3 Apps for Students to Maintain Well-Being in College

Nothing is more important for a student than taking care of their mental health. With a big pile of homework, terrifying exams, and a lot of other responsibilities, life for a student can get overwhelming. As a college student, you need support, and one of the ways to get it is to download an application, which is an easy task to do. However, searching for the apps yourself can give you even more stress. First, you need the exact names and then time to test the application and figure out if it’s a good solution. Luckily, other people have already … Continue reading

The Effects of Waste on Palestinians’ Health And Environment

The State of Palestine faces multiple environmental challenges, most of them linked to waste management. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) highlighted in 2020 that “47% of all waste, including hazardous waste, is disposed of in unsanitary dump sites”. The figures shared by the  Heinrich Böll Foundation in Plastic Atlas focused on municipal solid waste and underlined that 65% of the waste is disposed of in landfills and 32% in illegal dumping sites. Just 3% of the rubbish is recycled or reused. The sociopolitical and economic context of the country dominated by the occupation makes even bigger the global challenge … Continue reading

Illnesses Caused by Dirty Water

Did you know that over 780 million people worldwide lack access to clean water? Accessible water to is so dirty, that it can cause several potentially fatal diseases. These illnesses range from Cholera to E. Coli, Polio to Typhoid fever and each one presents a host of severe symptoms, which result in over three-quarters of a million deaths annually. On Human Rights Day, Waterlogic highlight the regions worst affected by each disease as well as suggesting actions to take and help make their water safe to drink — including one technology used in the plumbed-in water dispensers.  

How To Lessen Your Contribution To Noise Pollution

If you are constantly bugged by disturbing or unwanted noise to the point that it interferes with your normal daily activities, then you are categorically experiencing noise pollution. This is a disruptive type of sound that can be annoying and life-altering because it can affect your mood, responses, relationships or socialization, and performance. Extreme noise pollution can greatly affect an individual’s quality of life. It can also cause chronic stress which impacts overall health. Noise pollution would usually come from different sources such as industrial noise or those coming from construction, electrical machinery, or from traffic noise such as sounds … Continue reading

How Going Green Can Promote Better Sleep for Your Family

There are many reasons why you might want to live a greener lifestyle. Going green means that you reduce your carbon footprint, support the environment that you’re living in today, and create a better world for future generations. However, there is another major benefit to going green that many people overlook, and that’s improving your sleeping habits. Many of us struggle to get a good night’s sleep in today’s fast-paced and often chaotic world. With so many stressful things to consider in our day-to-day lives, it is often difficult to shut off at the end of a long day. However, … Continue reading

السواك : فرشاة الأسنان العربية العضوية

منذ القدم, استخدم الإنسان العديد من التقنيات الطبيعية للحفاظ على صحة الفم والأسنان, ومن هذه الأدوات استخدم أغضان وجذور الأشجار المتواجدة طبيعياً في المناطق التي قطنها, ومن هذه الأشجار شجرة الآراك أو Salvadora persica  المنتشرة في المنطقة العربية. تسمى الأعواد المشتقة من شجرة الآراك بالمسواك أو السواك, يرجع إستخدام السواك في المنطقة العربية إلى عصر ما قبل الإسلام,  لكن كان للإسلام عظيم الأثر في إنتشار وإستمرارية إستخدام السواك في العالم, فكما ورد في الأحاديث الشريفة عن الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم يعتبر إستخدام السواك جزءاً مهماً من الطقوس الدينية الإسلامية للحفاظ على نظافة الفم وصحة الأسنان واللسان, كما نسبت … Continue reading

Climate Change: The Global Effect On Environment Collapse

Global warming seriously threatens the existence of half of all plant and animal species in the regions of the planet with particularly diverse flora and fauna. If greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere remain at the current level, by 2080 50% of plant and animal species may disappear, in particular in Lake Baikal and in the Amazon. Endangered elephants and large pandas, as well as tens of thousands of plants, insects, and other living organisms that form the basis of life on the planet, are threatened with extinction in a number of regions. The study was conducted by the British … Continue reading

How Eco-Friendly Sleep Can Make Your Whole Life Better

Ecofriendly sleep simply means sleeping in a greener bedroom. The apparent advantage of anything ecofriendly is environmental sustainability. However, when it comes to the bedroom, eco-friendliness achieves much more than saving earth’s resources. An ecofriendly bedroom is healthy. And, when you are healthy, isn’t your whole life better? Now the question is, how can you make your bedroom eco-friendlier? Below we have covered some methods of making your bedroom greener and the advantages of each method. Ecofriendly mattress Organic mattresses are free from synthetic materials and harmful chemicals. Some of their advantages include: Naturally, fire-resistant materials: Meaning they do not … Continue reading

Medical Waste Management: An Infographic

Healthcare sector in the Middle East is growing at a very rapid pace, which in turn has led to tremendous increase in the quantity of medical waste generation by hospitals, clinics and other healthcare establishments. The growing amount of medical waste in the Middle East is posing significant public health and environmental challenges across the region. The situation is worsened by improper disposal methods, insufficient physical resources, inefficient medical waste treatment technologies and lack of research on healthcare waste management. This infographic will provide more insights into medical waste management situation in the Middle East.

Advantages of Using an Organic and Eco-Friendly Mattress

With the number of options available in the market today, choosing which mattress to buy can be challenging. This is especially true if you don’t have any experience in buying one. If you’re looking for a mattress that can provide more than just comfort, consider buying an eco-friendly and organic mattress. Although new to some, you’ll be surprised how this type of mattress can improve the quality of your life in the long run. All mattresses can be used for sleeping. However, there are some advantages that are only unique to an organic and eco-friendly mattress. Here are some of … Continue reading

6 Tips That Will Help You Sleep Better Every Night

Sleeping is one of the great pleasures that life gives us and, in addition, it is a vital physiological process to maintain good health. If you have trouble falling asleep, do not miss these tips that will help you sleep better every night. What can you do to sleep better? Doing physical exercise regularly, avoiding stressful situations, trying cbd oil or using a warmer to sleep better are some of the guidelines that will help you get a quality sleep every night. According to recent research, millions of people around the world suffer from the effects of insomnia, an alteration … Continue reading

10 Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air pollution is considered as one of the top environmental risks to public health worldwide due to increasing number of building-related illnesses. Studies have found that concentration of indoor pollutants is significantly higher indoors than they are in outdoor environment, which is two to five times and sometimes hundred times higher than outdoor levels. As most of the people spend 80% to 90% of their lives indoor, indoor air quality has significant implication on sustainability. Impact of Poor Indoor Air Quality Decreased indoor air quality can affect quality of life of the building occupant, increase health risks and increase … Continue reading