Why You Should Consider Switching to LED Christmas Lights

The number one decor that creates a festive atmosphere are Christmas lights. And even though no other decorations are included, these lights are going to make you imagine about Christmas. They are usually installed on Christmas trees but there are various techniques on how to use them as indoor decorations. They can be hung above your windows, hallways, doors and can even be installed on your stairways. These will surely fill your space with shimmering lights! Source: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/647673990141529588/ Furthermore, you can make absolutely fabulous-looking wreaths and lanterns for indoors easier especially when you make use of LED lights. With exceptional … Continue reading

Battling Climate Change: How You Can Help?

After abusing and depleting the Earth’s resources for hundreds of years, we are now faced with the harsh reality of climate change. The planet’s temperature is slowly rising and causing more erratic weather conditions with this last decade being the hottest on record. The time to act is now. Two artists have tried to communicate the urgency of this message by installing a ‘climate clock’ in Manhattan’s Union Square. This countdown warns that if our current greenhouse gas emissions do not slow down before the deadline, the damage we will have done will be irreversible. Given the looming window of … Continue reading

الثقافة البديلة في التسوق: الاطفال يستجيبوب

الحملة الموجهة للارتقاء بثقافة التسوق وتحفيز المجتمع في تبني الثقافة البديلة في التسوق التي تبناها عدد من المجمعات التجارية ومؤسسات القطاع الخاص وبعض المؤسسات التجارية المعروفة دعما لجهود التحول الى الاكياس الصديقة للبيئة بعد القرار الذي صدر بمنع الاكياس غير القابلة للتحلل شدت اهتمام الاطفال ذلك ما لمسناه في مبادرة الطفلتين زينب وفاطمة علي عبدالحميد الشويخ بدفع والدهم شراء الاكياس الصديقة للبيئة. اهتمام الاطفال بالحملة مؤشر ايجابي وذلك ينبغي أخذه في الاعتبار وقراءة مؤثرات العوامل التي حفزت الاطفال في التفاعل مع مبادرة الثقافة البديلة في التسوق والتفكير في تبني الادوات التشويقية ذات الطابع الفني التي يمكن ان تساهم في تحفيز … Continue reading

5 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Tarantula As A Pet

Most people either decide to get a cat or dog as a pet. Some even want to get a bird such as a parrot or a cockatiel or get an aquarium for keeping fish as pets. These are the most common pet choices. However, some people go beyond the norm and look for exotic animals to keep as pets. They get the most unexpected animal as pets, and when you learn about them, they will leave you in awe. These exotic pets can be amazing ones such as peacocks, vultures, monkeys, paradise birds, while others are deadly like tigers, wolves, … Continue reading

Why Giving Up Meat Is Essential To Mitigate Climate Change

Meat consumption is a staple of the modern diet. In the developed world, meat consumption has been rising consistently for decades. In the developing world, people eat less meat as they cannot afford the high cost of it. The scale of global meat consumption has grave environmental effects and intensifies Climate Change. This is as, “the global production of food is responsible for a third of all planet-heating gases emitted by human activity” [1]. Therefore, it is reasonable to argue that the connection between meat consumption and the negative effects of Climate Change like global warming is something which needs … Continue reading

How Minimalism and Sustainability Go Hand in Hand

A topic that has been gathering momentum as of late. The idea of sustainability is rapidly becoming a popular trend and the reduction in fossil fuel usage is testament to that fact. However, sustainability is not just found in the energy sector. Sustainability has become a trend in all aspects of life. So much so that it has become a lifestyle for some. Minimalism has rapidly become a popular way of life as well, providing great benefits to those living according to it. To start, it is important to define these terms and how they can relate to one another. … Continue reading

تأثير البيئة الطبيعية على صحتك العقلية

يقضي الكثير منا أيام العمل في الداخل تحت ضوء الفلورسنت مع اتصالٍ ضعيف أو معدوم بالعالم الطبيعي. لطيف كما يبدو للحصول على بعض الهواء النقي أو المشي بعد العمل، ولكن التفكير في الأمر قد يكون مرهقاً، خاصة عندما الأريكة تدعوك إلى المنزل بعد يوم طويل. لكن قضاء معظم الوقت في الداخل ليس جيداً لصحتك، وقد كشفت مجموعة متزايدة من الأبحاث المزايا العديدة التي يتمتع بها التواجد في الطبيعة على صحتك الجسدية والعقلية. تأثير بيئتك على صحتك العقلية في عالمنا الغربي الحديث، يقضي الكثير من الناس معظم وقتهم في الداخل. علاوة على ذلك، نحن نعيش في وقت يقضي فيه الكثير منا … Continue reading

An Easy Guide to Green Shopping

With the advent of December, many festivities, celebrations and seasonal parties are planned globally. These events require feverish shopping leading to usage and wastage of more resources. In addition, December is also famous for the shopping mania that grips people from all walks of life. ‘Shopping’ is certainly one of the most famous ‘indoor sport’ being practiced equally by people of developed and developing countries depending on their lifestyle and budget and is mainly being done by the female gender. ‘Going green’ is a way forward for all of us as it is a lifestyle change including improving our shopping … Continue reading

How To Enjoy Luxurious Living Without Harming The Environment

They say that money cannot buy everything. However, it can buy quite a lot. It is suggested that all wealth is vanity; however, there is so much to admire about the lifestyle of the world’s billionaires and millionaires. From flying across the globe in expensive private jets, driving swanky cars, owning mansions all over the world, dining at the most luxurious hotels to wearing luxury brands; the rich people’s lifestyle is simply glamorous. It is the dream of many to afford that kind of lifestyle. Here is an interesting fact: According to economic research, the eight richest individuals in the … Continue reading

What Are the Environmental Benefits of Electric Cars

People are moving away from driving gas-powered vehicles at a tremendous rate for financial and environmental reasons. We have looked at a few key areas where using electric cars will benefit us in the areas we live in and in our wallets. Considering the first Tesla to hit the road was less than twenty years ago (2003), we have seen a dramatic shift towards electric vehicles from small manufacturers all the way through to major car producing companies. This shift has enormous environmental benefits for all of us and will continue to do so for generations to come. 1. Clean … Continue reading

شهر رمضان والتحول نحو الأستدامة

شهر رمضان محطة للتزود بالوقود ومساحة لتغيير نمط الأستهلاك والعيش ببساطة على هذا الكوكب.  أن سبب الأزمة البيئية وأزمة الماء والطاقة والغذاء هو فشل الإنسان في مُهمة الخلافة وادراك دوره الحضاري كشاهد ومستخلف. التحول نحو الأستدامة يتطلب تغيير أنماط الأنتاج والأستهلاك للتصدي للفقر والتغير المناخي وهذا يستلزم التحول الكلي في نمط التنمية والعيش و تسخير المعرفة المحلية و الإبتكار والقيم والأخلاق وتطير  نماذج محلية للتنمية الطيبة  من خلال الحراك الأخضر أو الجهاد، و الإبتكار الأخضر أو الاجتهاد، و أسلوب الحياة الأخضر أو الزُهد كما هو موضح أدناه. الحراك الأخضر يعني النضال ضد الإختلالات و الظلم و الفساد التي تُخِل بالحياة … Continue reading

10 Top Ways to Make Your Life Green

No one is small enough to make a difference. When it comes to protecting the planet, each and every individual matter. Being green is not only good for the environment, but it also helps in saving money and safeguarding our health. We can do a lot of ‘green’ things in our daily lives to reduce waste generation, clean the air, conserve natural resources, save energy and protect wildlife. Here are 10 top ways to make your life green, and thus becoming good environmental stewards for the Earth: 1. Turn Down the Heat Reducing domestic energy consumption can help in minimizing … Continue reading