شهر رمضان والتحول نحو الأستدامة

شهر رمضان محطة للتزود بالوقود ومساحة لتغيير نمط الأستهلاك والعيش ببساطة على هذا الكوكب.  أن سبب الأزمة البيئية وأزمة الماء والطاقة والغذاء هو فشل الإنسان في مُهمة الخلافة وادراك دوره الحضاري كشاهد ومستخلف. التحول نحو الأستدامة يتطلب تغيير أنماط الأنتاج والأستهلاك للتصدي للفقر والتغير المناخي وهذا يستلزم التحول الكلي في نمط التنمية والعيش و تسخير المعرفة المحلية و الإبتكار والقيم والأخلاق وتطير  نماذج محلية للتنمية الطيبة  من خلال الحراك الأخضر أو الجهاد، و الإبتكار الأخضر أو الاجتهاد، و أسلوب الحياة الأخضر أو الزُهد كما هو موضح أدناه. الحراك الأخضر يعني النضال ضد الإختلالات و الظلم و الفساد التي تُخِل بالحياة … Continue reading

10 Top Ways to Make Your Life Green

No one is small enough to make a difference. When it comes to protecting the planet, each and every individual matter. Being green is not only good for the environment, but it also helps in saving money and safeguarding our health. We can do a lot of ‘green’ things in our daily lives to reduce waste generation, clean the air, conserve natural resources, save energy and protect wildlife. Here are 10 top ways to make your life green, and thus becoming good environmental stewards for the Earth: 1. Turn Down the Heat Reducing domestic energy consumption can help in minimizing … Continue reading

Ramadan: A Catalyst for Green Living

The true meaning of Ramadan is to take care of our body, soul, people, surrounding and ecosystems. The month of Ramadan is a golden opportunity to make a real shift towards ‘green living’ that is environmental friendly, non-polluting, non-wasteful and aim towards conservation of natural resources. During Ramadan, let us create awareness on use of resources, think and act positively towards our environment and change our unfriendly habits which are impacting our ecosystem. Let us seize this opportunity to adopt a model for a green and environmentally responsible behavior that addresses urgent environmental issues. Ramadan witnesses an over-consumption of meat, … Continue reading

Taking Steps to a More Environmentally-Friendly Home Life

Climate change is a fact, it’s manufactured, and the effects will only grow more pronounced. Although most of the harm from human activity is caused by a few major corporations, this is still an impossible situation to adapt to without individual action. To this end, more minor changes around the home can help us all play our parts to both mitigate waste and adapt to coming changes. It’s time to try a new approach, and with the options of the modern world, these changes can be easy to implement, and highly advantageous. So while we don’t recommend jumping in with … Continue reading