Illnesses Caused by Dirty Water

Did you know that over 780 million people worldwide lack access to clean water? Accessible water to is so dirty, that it can cause several potentially fatal diseases. These illnesses range from Cholera to E. Coli, Polio to Typhoid fever and each one presents a host of severe symptoms, which result in over three-quarters of a million deaths annually. On Human Rights Day, Waterlogic highlight the regions worst affected by each disease as well as suggesting actions to take and help make their water safe to drink — including one technology used in the plumbed-in water dispensers.  

How To Lessen Your Contribution To Noise Pollution

If you are constantly bugged by disturbing or unwanted noise to the point that it interferes with your normal daily activities, then you are categorically experiencing noise pollution. This is a disruptive type of sound that can be annoying and life-altering because it can affect your mood, responses, relationships or socialization, and performance. Extreme noise pollution can greatly affect an individual’s quality of life. It can also cause chronic stress which impacts overall health. Noise pollution would usually come from different sources such as industrial noise or those coming from construction, electrical machinery, or from traffic noise such as sounds … Continue reading

جودة الهواء في الأردن – المخاوف الرئيسية

يعد تلوث الهواء مصدر قلق كبير للسكان في كل أنحاء العالم، لما له من تأثير سلبي مباشر وغير مباشر على صحة الإنسان والحيوان وباقي مكونات البيئة المحيطة، ويزداد القلق من تلوث الهواء مع تعدد المصادر المساهمة بهذا التلوث وتنوعها وانتشارها الواسع. حيث بدأت مشاكل تلوث الهواء في المدن الصناعية ولم يقتصر على المدن الصناعية فحسب ولكنه انتشر ليشمل المدن ذات الكثافة السكانية العالية نظرًا لتعدد وتنوع وشدة الأنشطة البشرية فيها. وقد أظهرت دراسات قامت بها منظمة ال WHO أن ملوثات الهواء تسبب أمراض القلب والرئتين والأوعية الدموية  وبعض الأمراض الجلدية مثل سرطانات الجلد وذلك بسبب التعرض للأشعة فوق البنفسجية الناتج … Continue reading

Environmental Impact of Olive Oil Processing

More commonly known for its popular culinary and medicinal benefits, olive cultivation, olive oil production and oil packaging are a part of the local heritage and rural economy throughout the North African and Mediterranean regions. In 2012, an estimated 2,903,676 tons of olive oil was produced worldwide, the largest olive oil producers being Spain, Italy, and Greece followed by Turkey and Tunisia and to a lesser extent Portugal, Morocco and Algeria. Within the European Union’s olive sector alone, there are roughly 2.5 million producers, who make up roughly one-third of all EU farmers. The olive oil industry offers valuable opportunities to … Continue reading

PPP = Permanent Plastic Problem

The 3P’s of plastic – PPP – first is that the item or object is plastic. The second concern is that plastic is permanent. Not permanently in use, but after is use it has a very long life-span before it breaks down totally. And that leads to the third, and ultimate issue, that plastic becomes a problem. The issues around plastic are multi-facetted, complex and very diverse. It depends on the composition of the raw materials, how the materials are combined and made into the plastic product. Then it becomes an issue in how the product or object is disposed … Continue reading

Can Portable Toilets Create a Greener World?

Future generations need a sustainable, safe planet, which is why industries are focusing more on how they impact the environment. Portable toilets are one example of an industry that strives to be eco-friendly. It is a green product since it’s recyclable, and you can move it from one place to another without needing a permanent toilet. Read on to learn more about how portable toilets contribute to a greener world. 1. Water Conservation Every day, the average American flushes more water down the toilet than they do for any other purpose. The good news is that you don’t need to … Continue reading

On Recycling of Fluorescent Bulbs

All fluorescent bulbs contain mercury. In fact, the standard fluorescent bulb has about 20 milligrams of mercury. It is clear that these lamps must be managed properly to protect human health and the environment. The risk of leaving mercury deposits in landfill is high; therefore, recycling seems the most conscientious and environmentally safe recourse. A comprehensive fluorescent bulb recycling strategy will not only help in environment protection but can also promote new business growth and job opportunities. An analysis of the lighting industry shows a trend shifting from the usage of incandescent bulbs to fluorescent bulbs and LEDs. Incandescent bulbs use more energy, … Continue reading

Medical Wastes in GCC

There has been a growing awareness of the need for safe management of medical waste all over the world. Medical Waste are generated by all health sectors including hospitals, laboratories, diagnostic and research centers, dental and medical clinics, blood banks, mortuaries and autopsy centres, veterinary hospitals, industrial laboratories etc. Medical wastes which pose the greatest risk to human health are infectious waste (or hazardous medical waste) which constitutes 15 – 25 percent of total healthcare waste. Infectious wastes may include all waste items that are contaminated with or suspected of being contaminated with body fluids such as blood and blood products, used catheters … Continue reading

Saudi Arabia’s Road to Fuel Economy

Saudi Arabia is a private car-oriented society, and has one of the world’s highest per capita fuel consumption in the transportation sector. This is primarily due to lack of efficient public transportation and current fuel subsidy policy. The country is witnessing an escalating demand on its domestic energy needs and it is imperative on policymakers to devise policies for conservation of energy resources and reduction of GHGs emissions in the transportation sector. Adapting energy-efficient fuel standards will help Saudi Arabia country to bridge the gap with the developed countries. The enforcement mechanism for the establishment of Saudi fuel economy standards will … Continue reading

Why Water Pollution Is a Major Worry in the USA: 4 Water Contamination Events and Their Effects

According to a Gallup poll, the majority of Americans are deeply concerned about water pollution. 56% are concerned about drinking water quality and 53% are concerned about the water quality of rivers, reservoirs, and lakes. Americans have cause for concern. Over the years, there have been multiple water contamination events in the US. Why Water Pollution is a Major Worry in the USA Water pollution in the US is actually a growing problem, though it has been a problem for a long time. In the nineteenth century, water quality was improved in many bodies of water thanks to new mining … Continue reading

Unending Benefits of Natural Ventilation

Natural ventilation is a method of allowing fresh outdoor air into indoor living spaces by natural means without the use of air conditioning units and other types of mechanically driven devices. It  is the process of changing or replacing stale or noxious air with fresh air in any space to provide high indoor air quality to control temperature, replenish oxygen, remove moisture, odors, smoke, heat, dust, airborne bacteria and carbon dioxide. Ventilation is important as it reduces unhealthy air pollutants, such as formaldehyde and radon. It reduces excessive moisture and humidity levels, which can lead to mold growth and can … Continue reading

التأثير البيئي لمعالجة مخلفات زيت الزيتون

تعد زراعة الزيتون وإنتاج زيت الزيتون جزءاً من التراث المحلي والاقتصاد الريفي في كافة أنحاء منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا وأكثر ما يشتهر به هذا المحصول هو استخدامه في الطبخ وفي الاستعمالات الطبية. في عام 2012، قدر إنتاج العالم من زيت الزيتون بنحو 2903.676 طن، وتعد إسبانيا وإيطاليا واليونان من أكبر منتجي زيت الزيتون في العالم، تليها في الترتيب تركيا وتونس ثم البرتغال والمغرب والجزائر. في الاتحاد الأوروبي وحده يوجد حوالي 2.5 مليون منتِج في قطاع الزيتون، يشكلون مجتمعين حوالي ثلث مزارعي الاتحاد الأوروبي. توفر صناعة زيت الزيتون فرصًا قيمة للمزارعين من حيث التوظيف الموسمي بالإضافة إلى توفير فرص عمل مهمة خارج نطاق … Continue reading