Solar Energy in Jordan

The solar energy potential in Jordan is enormous as it lies within the solar belt of the world with average solar radiation ranging between 5 and 7 KWh/m2, which implies a potential of at least 1000GWh per year annually. Solar energy, like other forms of alternative energy, remains underutilized in Jordan. Decentralized photovoltaic units in rural and remote villages are currently used for lighting, water pumping and other social services (1000KW of peak capacity). In addition, about 15% of all households are equipped with solar water heating systems. Portable solar generators can be helpful in transforming the renewable energy landscape … Continue reading

What Type of Waste Can Be Converted into Renewable Energy?

There is, no doubt, an obvious need to reduce, reuse and recycle wastes but recovery of energy from wastes is also gaining ground as a vital method for managing wastes and Middle East should not be an exception. Wastes can be transformed into clean and efficient energy and fuel by a variety of technologies, ranging from conventional combustion process to state-of-the-art plasma gasification technology. Besides recovery of energy, such technologies leads to substantial reduction in the overall waste quantities requiring final disposal. Waste-to-energy projects provide major business opportunities, environmental benefits, and energy security.  There are many types of waste that can … Continue reading

Using Solar Energy To Bolster Business Sustainability

Sustainability is no longer a luxury for businesses but a necessity for thriving in the modern market. As environmental issues increasingly influence consumer choices and regulatory requirements, companies are looking for creative methods to cut down their carbon emissions and show their dedication to a greener future. Solar energy, with its plentiful supply and clean generation, is becoming a significant contributor to this sustainability movement. No matter the size of your business, whether it’s a small startup or a large corporation, this article offers useful insights and practical strategies to help you harness solar energy. By doing so, you can … Continue reading

Biogas Feedstock in the Middle East

Anaerobic digestion (or biogas technology) is the natural biological process which stabilizes organic waste in the absence of air and transforms it into biofertilizer and biogas. It is a reliable technology for the treatment of wet, organic waste.  Organic waste from various sources is biochemically degraded in highly controlled, oxygen-free conditions circumstances resulting in the production of biogas which can be used to produce both electricity and heat. Almost any organic material can be processed with anaerobic digestion. A wide range of organic wastes are available in the Middle East for anaerobic digestion. In addition to MSW, large quantity of waste, in … Continue reading

Debunking 4 Most Common Solar Panel System Myths

Solar panel systems’ sales have increased over the last few years. But there are still many who are yet to make the transition. One of the reasons for people resisting the change is the myths surrounding solar panel systems. And the sad part is that people believe these myths without even checking with a solar expert or reading about solar panel systems from a relevant source. So to clear the air, in this post, we talk about some of the most common solar panel myths and the facts behind them. Come let’s find out. Myth 1 – They are way … Continue reading

Solar Energy in Qatar

Qatar’s solar energy future is steadily developing. With average daily sunshine of around 9.5 hours, low-cloud cover conditions and plentiful space, there is great scope for small, medium as well as large-scale solar power projects in the country. Qatar’s global horizontal irradiance is 2,140 kWh per m2 per year which makes it well-suited for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The country is geographically well-positioned to tap its tremendous solar energy potential and has set an ambitious target of 2 percent renewable energy contribution in the national energy mix by 2022. Solar energy has multiple advantages for Qatar in the form of energy … Continue reading

الطحالب – معمل وقود حيوي

اتجهت أبحاث الخبراء والمتخصصين فى الفترة الأخيرة إلى التركيز علي إنتاج الوقود الحيوى من الطحالب الخضراء، خاصة بعد إقرار بدء مرحلة نضوب النفط فى فترة زمنية قريبة، وأنه سينضب أكثر من 95% من مصادر البترول الموجودة على سطح الأرض.   وايضا مشكله الغذاء المحتمل حدوثها في حاله استخدام المنتجات الزراعيه او مخلفاتها في الوقود الحيوي لانتاج منتجات الوقود مثل وقود الديزل الحيوي, الايثانول, الجازولين الحيوي و غيرهم من منتجات الوقود الحيوي. وقد اشارت االعديد من الدراسات الحديثه الي ان الطحالب الخضراء كمصدر للوقود تندرج تحت لواء مصادر الطاقه المتجددة وخاصا بعد التزايد المستمر في سعر الوقود الاحفوري. فهي تنمو بسرعة ولها … Continue reading

How Are Energy Alternatives All Over The World

A lot of fuss is going around fossil fuels and other non-renewable sources of energy, it seems that the focus was suddenly shifted towards renewables sources of energy. This could be explained by the eminent danger of running out of these sources while the whole world is still depending on them, not to mention the effect of global warming as well. The shift of attention towards environmental awareness all around the world led the industries to start adopting new approaches in the research and development of energy alternatives. We’ll be giving you a brief review of how the world views … Continue reading

5 Compelling Reasons To Switch To Biofuel

Biofuel is created from plant-based materials. Several studies prove that it can deliver performance that can rival the performance produced by fossil fuels such as diesel and petroleum. As a result, it’s no surprise that the use of biofuels has increased in popularity substantially in recent years as a leading petroleum alternative. However, if you are still a bit sceptical about making the switch, we have listed some compelling reasons to finally switch to the eco-friendly choice and start using HVO fuel. 1. Help Enhance Air Quality Diesel and other fossil fuels are undeniably bad for the environment as they … Continue reading

مستقبل تحلية المياة لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا

تحلية المياه هي عملية معالجة للمياه يتم فيها فصل الأملاح من المياه المالحة لانتاج مياه صالحة للشرب. عملية التحلية تستهلك كمية كبيرة من الطاقة لانتاج الماء العذب من مصادر المياة المالحة. يتم ضخ الماء المالح في عملية التحلية وتكون المخرجات عبارة عن خط ماء عذب بالاضافة لخط أخر من المياة عالية الملوحه جداً. يوجد أكثر من 15000 وحدة تنقية مياه على المستوى الصناعي في العالم، بطاقة اجمالية تزيد على 8.5 مليار جالون يومياً. يتفوق أسلوب الترشيح بالأغشية في هذا المجال حيث تبلغ نسبته حوالي 44% من اجمالي الطاقة الاجمالية، يليه التحلية بالتسخين MSF بنسبة حوالي 40 %. وبالنسبة للمصادر، تمثل … Continue reading

Why You Should Go for Green Electricity This 2024

Carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutants are flooding our atmosphere. These pollutants form a blanket that traps the sun’s heat energy in the atmosphere, warming the earth and putting marine life in jeopardy. With these alarming updates, people can take some simple steps to help mitigate the effects of climate change. For example, we should invest in technological breakthroughs that enable the use of renewable energy. What is Green Electricity? The term “green electricity” refers to energy derived from natural sources such as the sun. Green electricity does not emit contaminants into the atmosphere, whereas renewable energy comes from … Continue reading

All You Need to Know About Renewable Energy in Jordan

Renewable energy systems have been used in Jordan since early 1970s. Infact, Jordan has been a pioneer in renewable energy promotion in the Middle East with its first wind power pilot project in Al-Ibrahemiya as early as 1988. In the recent past, Jordan has witnessed a surge in initiatives to generate power from renewable resources with financial and technical backing from the government, international agencies and foreign donors. However, renewable energy in Jordan remains largely untapped due to high cost associated with non-conventional energy resources and relatively cheap availability of oil and natural gas. Wind energy is feasible mainly in … Continue reading