كيف يمكن للمؤسسات أن تكون أكثر صداقة للبيئة؟

إن المعدل الذي يؤثر به تغير المناخ على العالم مثير للقلق، وكما أن للأفراد والحكومات دوراً رئيسية في مكافحة هذه القضية، فأيضاً هنالك للمؤسسات دوراً فاعلاً. فكيف يمكن للشركات أن تصبح أكثر صداقة للبيئة؟ تستطيع هذه المؤسسات الوصول لذلك من خلال الاستراتيجيات والمبادرات التي تقلل من بصمتها البيئية.  سيقدم لك هذا الدليل بعض الأساليب الفعالة والحيوية التي تساعد الشركات على أن تصبح صديقة للبيئة. لتعلم المزيد يرجى قراءة ما يلي. الوسائل  الرئيسية التي تُمكّن الشركات لتصبح صديقة للبيئة إن الشركات التي تحاول ان تصبح صديقة للبيئة، تستطيع الحصول على الدعم من العملاء ذوي الوعي البيئي وفيما يلي بعض النصائح المفيدة: … Continue reading

التعليم البيئي: مفتاح لمستقبل أفضل

يعد امتلاك الأدوات المناسبة لمواجهة التحديات المستقبلية واجباً و تحدياً لقادة الغد، كما يعد تهيئة أطفالنا على أن يكونوا مستعدين على نحوٍ كاف للمستقبل الذي سيرثونه أمراَ مماثلاً بالأهمية. تزامناً مع تفاقم الإحساس بالتغيرات المناخية في جميع أنحاء العالم بما في ذلك الآثار الكارثية المترتبة على ذلك و التي لم تكن واضحة علمياً من قبل، فإن التعليم البيئي يعد المفتاح لمستقبل أفضل. في عصر نشهد فيه يومياً ازدياداً كبيراً لأعداد الأطفال غير المرتبطين بالطبيعة المحيطة بهم، علينا أن ندرك أهمية الاستثمار الحقيقي في التعليم البيئي والتعلم المعتمد على الأنشطة الخارجية قريباً من الطبيعة. أظهرت الدراسات أن التعليم البيئي يساعد على … Continue reading

Peak Oil: Perspectives for Saudi Arabia

The term ‘peak oil’ is ominous to the Middle East, as most of the countries in the region are heavily dependent on oil and natural gas for industrial, economic and social development. Petroleum is considered one of the world’s most important sources of energy generation, after uranium, of course. Many other substances have been tested in order to be used as alternatives to petroleum, but none have hitherto been successful. Scientific research illustrates how the world is facing catastrophe if it doesn’t find an alternative to oil, as it is currently impossible for the global economy to grow without sufficient amounts … Continue reading

Green Ahadith – Ecological Advice from Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is one of the most, if not the only one who reached a pinnacle of success by not only verbally teaching, but stringently applying Islamic principles of ecological welfare. His concern for preserving nature was so consistent that history reports the only time he cut down plants were the palm trees in Madina to impede the Jewish tribe Banu Nadhir. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, categorically taught people to live on less, to protect animal and plant life, and to worship the Creator by being merciful to the creation. What is … Continue reading

Sustainable Cattle Farming: Is It Possible?

Cattle farming is often linked to climate change and pollution. As the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations pointed out in a report from 2013, cattle emit the biggest percent of methane out of all livestock. The most evident solution to this problem is for the population to consume less beef and dairy. However, according to statistics, the per capita meat consumption has gradually increased since 1961 and this tendency is not likely to change. As countries get richer, their population will keep eating more and more meat. So, is sustainable cattle farming a possibility? Regenerative agriculture As … Continue reading

The Power of Cities to Shape a Greener Future

The current rate of urbanization is one of the global megatrends, which will manifest itself in many of the challenges faced in the upcoming decades. UN reports estimate that nearly 70% of the world’s population will be urban by 2050. The way in which cities deal with this rapid rate of urbanization will determine whether international objectives such as Sustainable Development Goal 11, aimed at making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable, will be achieved. Urbanization has further impacts on many more of the goals defined in the UN 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development. Achieving these goals … Continue reading

Circular Economy in GCC: Potential, Prospects and Challenges

The concept of a circular economy has been gaining a lot of momentum on the agenda of many countries in recent years. In its core, it describes an economic model which opposes the current so-called linear economy, where output is produced, used and disposed at the end of its lifespan. In contrast, circular economy advocates suggest a model in which raw materials used during the life cycle of a good are completely reintegrated into the production process. Circular economy, therefore, means more than just to recycle your old appliances, but includes considerations about how to redefine products and services in … Continue reading

Reducing Energy Poverty is Crucial to Sustainable Development

The world is currently facing an unprecedented health crisis, and as usual the vulnerable communities are hit the hardest.  Energy poverty (or lack of access to electricity) is worsening the humanitarian crisis amid COVID-19 pandemic, and is preventing the poor from securing social benefits and economic opportunities. Electricity, in modern life, is the foundation and lifeline for communities and economies to run and thrive. There is a growing international acknowledgement of the strong ties between poverty and lack of access to modern energy. For example, in impoverished communities, peoples’ well-being is in grave danger, because of the use of dirty … Continue reading

The Significance of Rural Culture in Islam

Rural culture developed magnificently during medieval times in the Islamic Mediterranean countries. It has left its mark on many aspects of daily life in the countryside, from Sicily and the Spanish Levant to the Maghreb and the Eastern regions. Al-Andalus was a perfect example. Not only are Arabic words present in every movement, skill and tradition throughout much of Spain, but the actual rural landscape forms part of this heritage. And the same can be said about age-old customs for the distribution and use of water, for sowing, grafting, harvesting and storing, and many of today’s extensive, organic farming methods. … Continue reading

Sustainable Development in Jordan: Perspectives

During the last few decades, sustainable development emerged as a hot topic in many reform agendas and strategic management plans in Jordan. The picture is not always optimistic where poverty, climate change and wars to name but a few of the continuous burdens, yet, some results have been successfully reaped. In this article, I will provide a reflection on the sustainable development journey in Jordan. Firstly, what the country achieved from the year 2000 to 2015 and secondly, what challenges the country has to counter from the year 2015 to 2030. Millennium Development Goals – Year 2000 to 2015 Jordan … Continue reading

CSR Perspectives for the Middle East

Corporate Social Responsibility has moved beyond philanthropy, and is rapidly undergoing integration into the company’s core business strategy. However, in the Middle East, we can find companies that are still perceiving CSR as philanthropy and yet to view it as a “core business strategy “. Is it because of the culture and religion that we should give to the poor (Zakat or charity) so they consider it as their CSR? Should it be obligatory so companies will start thinking about CSR more strategically? Over the past few years, the interest has literally exploded in regional media and business community with … Continue reading

الابتكار من أجل التنمية المستدامة.. مسؤولية الجميع

على مرعقود طويلة،  اقتصر تقدم و تطور العلوم والتكنولوجيا والابتكارعلى البلدان الأكثر تقدما، حيث لا يزال الاستثمار في مجال البحث والتطوير دون الطموح في البلدان النامية. حتى مع وجود أشخاص ذوي قدرات و مواهب بارزة،  لا يزال البحث والتطوير  محصورين  في نطاق المختبرات فقط، بعيدا  عن التفاعل مع حاجات السوق والمجتمع. ولكن ليس من الممكن بأن يستمرالحال كذلك كون الإجراءات والخطوات الجماعيه المتخذة على الصعيد المحلي هي الأدوات الأساسية نحو التغيير العالمي  ولا تعمل الأهداف العالمية للتنمية المستدامة على تسليط الضوء على الابتكار كأحد الأهداف التنموية فحسب، بل تؤكد أيضا على الأهمية الكبيرة للابتكار من أجل تحقيق الأهداف الأخرى. سواء … Continue reading