Water in Islamic Culture

The great cultural bloom that took place during the al-Andalus period was made possible from a material and social viewpoint thanks, among other factors, to the judicious water management at those times. Countryside, cities, public bathhouses and fountains, mosques and gardens honoured the element of water. However, this water culture emerged from a distinctively Islamic conception which is briefly summarized in the following paragraphs. Water in the Holy Quran In Islam, life and knowledge originated from water, a divine gift that symbolises profound wisdom, the drink that quenches the soul’s thirst. But it is also science. Thus, the word al-ma’a – water … Continue reading

5 Top Reasons To Embrace Sustainable Manufacturing

What is sustainable manufacturing? Put simply, it defines processes that minimise a plant’s overall environmental impact. Once regarded as rather niche, sustainable practices are becoming widely adopted. Here are five reasons why embracing sustainable manufacturing is growing in popularity: 1. It can create a Unique Selling Point Climate change and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions continue to dominate the environmental agenda: sustainability is here to stay. Did you know that millennials, those born between 1981 and 1996, makes up most of today’s workforce? They are also the generation that is most committed to implementing sustainable goals, according to Forbes … Continue reading

Sustainable Development and the Arab World

Sustainable development is a pattern of growth in which resource use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come. Arab world is facing major sustainability challenges in achieving social, economic and environmental goals. Extremely arid climate, acute water scarcity, high energy consumption and polluting oil and gas industry present a unique challenge in Arab countries. There are four major dimensions of sustainable development – social, economic, environmental and institutional. Social Availability of energy has a direct impact on poverty, employment opportunities, education, demographic transition, indoor pollution and … Continue reading

Pakistan’s Thirst for Water: Towards a National Sustainable Water Policy

Being the world’s 6th most populous country, Pakistan is home to about 210 million people. The growing population reduces average water availability every day. In 2017, Asian Development Bank reported that the agriculture sector of Pakistan consumes 93% of the water resources and contributes 21% – one-fourth – to the Gross Domestic Product. Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources published a report titled “Water requirements of major crops in Central Punjab,” that has mentioned that over 60% of water is lost in transmission and applications. This implies that the agriculture sector that consumes 93% of water resources wastes two-third … Continue reading

Water Diplomacy in the Middle East for Transboundary Water Supplies

Increased pressure on transboundary water supplies as a result of rising economic and population needs, exacerbated by climate change processes, can have catastrophic consequences in the Middle East. Management of groundwater extraction from transboundary aquifers must involve sharing the amount of accessible water and preserving its quality in order to ensure that future generations will have access to safe groundwater supplies. The Middle East is afflicted by internal water mismanagement and conflicts. This necessitates not only the building of water governance institutions but also diverse engagement platforms and other water diplomacy techniques. The negotiations about water management create the need … Continue reading

The Environmental Impacts of Minimalist Lifestyle

The concept of a minimalist lifestyle is more and more popular nowadays and a lot of people try to have a better mindset by adopting it. However, eco minimalism has implications not only on the population’s mental health but also on the environment and we are going to tell you all about it in this article. What is the meaning of the ‘minimalist lifestyle’? Minimalism is a term that comes from the early 60s when several artists started to simplify art, like visual art and music. The concept was that with very simple techniques they could capture the essence of … Continue reading

Climate Justice and Environmental Justice – Two Concepts for One Challenge

Science keeps showing that as the effects of climate change get worse, extreme weather events are hurting developing countries a lot. This is especially true in Africa and Asia. Over half of Africa’s people would be at risk of not getting enough food if global warming reached 2°C. As it is, we have already reached about 1°C above pre-industrial levels (1850–1900). If things keep going the way they are, global warming is likely to reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052. From 1990 to 2015, the poorest half of the world, which is the most vulnerable to the effects of climate … Continue reading

مستجمعات المياه الصحية أولوية حرجة لدفع التنمية المستدامة

تُعرّف مستجمعات المياه أو مساقط المياه (Watershed) بأنها مساحة من الأرض تُصرّف المياه الناشئة عن هطول الأمطار وانصهار الثلوج وتوجه تدفقها لتصب باتجاه الجداول والأنهار، وفي النهاية إلى نقاط التدفق (Outflow points) التي تصب في مستودعات المياه الأكبر حجما مثل الخلجان والمحيطات. ولكل جسم مائي مستجمع مياه أو أكثر. وتسمى أيضًا أحواض الأنهار أو أحواض التصريف (Drainage Basin). كما تُسمّى مصائد المياه (Catchment)، لأن الأرض الصاعدة والمرتفعة (Upstream) تصطاد المياه ومن ثم تجري إلى أسفل التل (Downstream) في اتجاه مجرى النهر أو الجدول القريب. تتكون المستجمعات المائية من وديان منحدرة تحيط بها قمم وتلال مرتفعة. ويتم تحديد حدود مستجمعات المياه … Continue reading

Earth Day 2015 – It’s Our Turn to Lead

Like Earth Days of the past, Earth Day 2015 will focus on the unique environmental challenges of our time. As the world’s population migrates to cities, and as the bleak reality of climate change becomes increasingly clear, the need to create sustainable communities is more important than ever. Earth Day 2015 will seek to do just that through its global theme: It’s Our Turn to Lead. With smart investments in sustainable technology, forward-thinking public policy, and an educated and active public, we can transform our cities and forge a sustainable future. Nothing is more powerful than the collective action of … Continue reading

Green Buildings Certification in MENA – Issues and Challenges

Green building rating systems are increasingly gaining attention in the building industry in the MENA region. During the last 15 years, there has been a regional trend in developing and applying green building ratings systems. In several countries such systems have been developed in an attempt to follow the international green movement. For example, the Pearl Building Rating System (PBRS) was founded in UAE in 2007, the Green Pyramid (GPRS) and ARZ Building Rating System in Egypt and Lebanon respectively were founded in 2008, the Edama was proposed in Jordan in 2009 and Qatar Sustainability Assessment System (QSAS) was founded in 2010.  … Continue reading

المرأة و ريادة الأعمال في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا

تعد ريادة المرأة للأعمال مصدرا مهما، لم يتم بعد استغلاله،  في النمو الاقتصادي في جميع أنحاء العالم تقريبا. وعلى الصعيد العالمي، تسجل المرأة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا أدنى معدلات النشاط الريادي الإجمالي:  فقط 4٪ من السكان. في حين ُتسجل أعلى المعدلات  في أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء  (27٪). متبوعة بأمريكا اللاتينية ومنطقة الكاريبي بمعدل (15 في المئة). أما بخصوص اقتصادات بلدان (بنما وتايلاند وغانا، والإكوادور، ونيجيريا، والمكسيك، وأوغندا)، فيتساوى فيها مستوى المرأة مع مستوى الرجل، أو قد يتعداه قليلا، في مجال ريادة المشاريع. و بالنسبة لبقية المناطق، فتشكل المرأة نسبة صغيرة من رواد المشاريع. الوضع الحالي ازداد مؤخرا الاهتمام بريادة … Continue reading

How Towns Can Rebuild After a Wildfire

Wildfires are horrific natural disasters that can devastate individual households and large communities alike. By definition, wildfires, also known as wildland fires, are known to ravage combustible wildland vegetation areas. Depending on the incident, a wildfire can destroy natural forests, negatively impact soil fertility and water cycles, or even threaten the health of those residing nearby the ignition point. In terms of cause, different events can ignite wildfires, ranging from human-caused to naturally occurring. Arson, equipment malfunctions (i.e., automobile accidents), unattended campfires, discarded cigarettes, and burning debris are all culprits of human-caused wildfires. On the other hand, natural fires result … Continue reading