World Wetlands Day – Celebrating Our Wetlands

World Wetlands Day (WWD) is celebrated on 2nd February every year. It marks the date of the signing of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands on 2nd February 1971. WWD was celebrated for the first time in 1997. Every year there is a different theme and the theme for World Wetlands Day 2018 is “Wetlands for a Sustainable Urban Future”. What is a Wetland A wetland is a land area that is saturated with water, natural or artificial, static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salty and include areas of marine water, the depth of which at low tide does not exceed … Continue reading

World Habitat Day 2017: Affordable Homes

World Habitat Day, observed every year on the first Monday of October, is meant to reflect on the state of our urban areas and the basic human right regarding provision of adequate shelter to all human beings. World Habitat Day (WHD) also aims to remind the planners and government officials of the collective responsibility for the habitat of future generations and a day to encourage grassroots action from civil society organizations to advocate for universal decent housing. Each year, World Habitat Day takes on a new theme chosen by the United Nations based on current issues relevant to the Habitat … Continue reading

Why We Need to Use Technology to Fight Climate Change

Climate change is a colossal challenge, and it can seem like individual actions won’t be enough to tackle it, or that we don’t have the resources necessary. But neither of those are true. There are many individual actions we can all take that will help change the course of climate change. Many technologies available at both consumer and industrial levels can play a role, from simple things like switching to LED lights to complex processes such as building wind farms for renewable energy. With so many people consuming our valuable resources, science says humans are a main cause of climate … Continue reading

How To Set Up Your Online Store: 5 Sustainability Criterion

Market enthusiasts have rightly said not everyone possesses the art of running a business but if you think you can be the one, the recent craze of online shopping has made it easier for you. Now setting up a business does not cost you your lifetime wealth, time, or even test your technical expertise. A recent marketing survey has shown that around 17.2% of the retail sales are composed of eCommerce selling accounts whereas online shopping in itself is expanding at the rate of 13.7%. So if you are looking for any motivation on how to set up an online … Continue reading

7 Unique Ways the World is Adapting to Limited Resources

Globally speaking, we use 30 percent more of the earth’s non-renewable resources than is sustainable. Unsustainability means using resources at a quicker rate than they can regenerate, therefore limiting their availability for future generations. Resource limitations include deforestation, degraded soil, polluted air and water sources, water table depletion, acidic oceans, and declines in biodiversity. One of the most impactful ways for the consumer goods industry to help the planet is to play a part in adapting to the decreased availability of resources and sustainability. This means redesigning consumer products and production systems to use fewer environmentally harmful or resource-depleting raw … Continue reading

Introduction to Trigeneration

  Trigeneration refers to the simultaneous generation of electricity and useful heating and cooling from the combustion of a biomass fuel or a solar heat collector. Conventional coal or nuclear-powered power stations convert only about 33% of their input heat to electricity. The remaining 67% emerges from the turbines as low-grade waste heat with no significant local uses so it is usually rejected to the environment. What is Trigeneration In a trigeneration system, the supply of high-temperature heat first drives a gas or steam turbine powered generator and the resulting low-temperature waste heat is then used for water or space heating. Such systems can attain … Continue reading

دور الشركات الناشئة في التعافي المستدام في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا

أوشكت العديد من الشركات على الانهيار بسبب جائحة كورونا. في عالم ريادة الأعمال، تجد العديد من الشركات الناشئة والتي لا تمتلك شبكة أمان اجتماعي نفسها فجأة معتمدة كليًا على مدخراتها. وحيث يركز العالم الآن على مرحلة التعافي من آثار الجائحة، يدرك أصحاب الأعمال أهمية بناء نماذج عمل وهياكل أكثر مرونة ومنعة لمواجهة أزمات مشابهة ولتجنب أي صدمات اقتصادية. التكيف مع الواقع الجديد تسعى الشركات الناشئة الخضراء إلى تطوير حلول مبتكرة تهدف إلى استغلال النفايات أو إعادة استخدامها، وتقليل تكاليف التصنيع، وتخفيف الضغط على نظامنا البيئي الطبيعي وموارده. علمتنا جائحة كورونا كذلك أهمية الاستعانة بسلاسل الامداد المحلية أينما كان ذلك ممكنًا، … Continue reading

الإعلان الإسلامي للمناخ يدعو للتخلص من الوقود الأحفوري

أطلق قادة المسلمين من ٢٠ دولة الاعلان الاسلامي من اجل التغير المناخي لدعوة 1.6 مليار مسلم في جميع أنحاء العالم للنهوض بواجبهم الأخلاقي في التصدي لمسألة تغير المناخ في اطار واجباتهم الدينية .تم تبني هذا الإعلان من قبل ٦٠ مشارك في الندوة الاسلامية المعنية بتغير المناخ المنعقدة بإسطنبول في ال١٧ وال١٨ من شهر أغسطس لعام 2015 ، حيث دعا كافة الأطراف في “مؤتمر اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة الإطارية بشأن تغير المناخ”، الذي سيعقد في باريس في شهر ديسمبر القادم ويحضره زعماء العالم، ان يقوموا بإتخاذ قرارات والتزامات طموحة وملزمة قانونياً للدول المشاركة، لوقف التغير المناخي واستخدام الوقود الاحفوري عن طريق توفير … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly Solutions To The Homelessness Crisis

As the long-term impact of COVID-19 on the global economy is becoming more clear, many people around the world are at particular risk of homelessness. The spiraling inflation and growing unemployment are making life very difficult for people as prices of basic food items and utility bills are getting out of the reach of poor people. On the other hand, people are losing jobs or finding it hard to enter into labour market due to multiple social and economic reasons. With the result, there is a steady rise in homelessness which is going to increase in coming years. As per … Continue reading

Renewable Energy in GCC: Need for a Holistic Approach

The importance of renewable energy sources in the energy portfolio of any country is well known, especially in the context of energy security and impacts on climate change. The growing quest for renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries has been seen by many as both – a compulsion to complement the rising energy demand, and as an economic strength that helps them in carrying forward the clean energy initiatives from technology development to large scale deployment of projects from Abu Dhabi to Riyadh. Current Scenario The promotion of renewable energy (RE) is becoming an … Continue reading

How Minimalism and Sustainability Go Hand in Hand

A topic that has been gathering momentum as of late. The idea of sustainability is rapidly becoming a popular trend and the reduction in fossil fuel usage is testament to that fact. However, sustainability is not just found in the energy sector. Sustainability has become a trend in all aspects of life. So much so that it has become a lifestyle for some. Minimalism has rapidly become a popular way of life as well, providing great benefits to those living according to it. To start, it is important to define these terms and how they can relate to one another. … Continue reading

Desalination Outlook for MENA

Desalination is a water treatment process that separates salts from saline water to produce potable water. The desalination process uses large amount of energy to produce pure water from salt water source. Salt water is fed into the process, and the result is an output stream of pure water and another stream of waster with high salt concentration. Desalination techniques are mainly classified into two types: Processes based on physical change in the state of the water, and Processes using a membrane that employ the concept of filtration. There are more than 15,000 industrial-scale desalination units worldwide, with combined capacity exceeding … Continue reading