استخراج الطاقة من النفايات

انظمة التحويل الحراري (أو الكيمو حرارية) تبدا بتكنولوجيا تحويل النفايات إلى حرارة عن طريق تحويلها لوقود اولا بشكل غازي او سائل، كما يمكنها التحويل باستخدام تقنية التحويل الثانوية التحويلها الى اشكال أكثر فائدة من الطاقة( حرارية و كهربائية). هناك مجموعة واسعة من التقنيات موجودة لتحويل الطاقة المخزونة في النفايات إلى أشكال مختلفة من الطاقة. هذه التقنيات يمكن تصنيفها وفقا للناقل الرئيسي للطاقة المنتجة في عملية التحويل. اشكال الطاقة من غاز، سائل  أو صلبة، وهذا تعتمد على طريقة ونسبة الأكسجين في اثناء عملية التحويل (عادة هواء). الطرق الرئيسية الثلاثة للتحويل وفقا لآشكال الوقود الناتج هي الاحتراق المباشر في الهواء الزائد ، تحويل … Continue reading

An Introduction to Smart Grid

A smart grid is an electrical grid that uses information and communications technology to gather and act on information, such as information about the behaviors of suppliers and consumers, in an automated fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity. Smart grids are now being used in electricity networks, from the power plants all the way to the consumers of electricity in homes and businesses. The “grid” amounts to the networks that carry electricity from the plants where it is generated to consumers. The grid includes wires, substations, transformers, switches etc. The … Continue reading

How To Choose A Farming App

In recent years, farmers are increasingly using the achievements of modern technologies in the field of agriculture. With a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, you can use applications to collect valuable data and make decisions based on their analysis. The apps also enable the growers to detect potential threats to the crop, respond to them on time, and plan and monitor all processes in the field. Additionally, farm management software solutions provide comprehensive tools for tracking field activities, managing resources, and optimizing labor efficiency. This integration of technology not only streamlines daily operations but also enhances long-term sustainability by promoting environmentally friendly practices. … Continue reading

The Role of Big Data in Environmental Sustainability

Over the past few years, big data has gained significantly in popularity. Big data is being used for a wide array of applications. Businesses rely on big data to gain more insight into their customers. In return, this allowed them to market more effectively. Nowadays, it is possible to use big data, alongwith IoT and AI, for many other purposes, including achieving and maintaining optimum environmental sustainability. What is big data all about? How can it help achieve environmental sustainability? You’ll find out in the guide below. What is Big Data First and foremost, you should familiarize yourself with the … Continue reading

The Rug Cleaning Sector: A Venue for Innovative Business Practices

Have you ever stopped to think about what goes on behind the scenes of rug cleaning? It’s an industry you might view as simplistic or mundane, but this sector is quietly undergoing a transformation. The rug cleaning business is becoming a backdrop of modern, innovative business practices worthy of attention. Welcome to a world filled with exciting technological advancements, new trends, and sustainable best practices. Emerging Trends in Rug Cleaning The rug cleaning industry has seen quite a few new patterns emerge in recent times. Businesses are switching up their tactics, steering away from traditional methods and shifting to more … Continue reading

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Gene Editing Technologies

The use of biotechnology to genetically modify living organisms has garnered worldwide attention, as the application of biotechnology is linked to critical health, environmental, and commercial issues. One of the life sciences categories is molecular biology, which approaches the genetic information stored in DNA from a novel perspective. Gene editing is a technique that aims to extract specific genes carrying desirable traits from an organism (human, plant, animal, or microbe) and artificially attach them to the genes of another organism to transfer that desired trait to the receiving organism. Biotechnology differs from traditional hybridization in that it transfers genes at … Continue reading

Are Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles Really Environmentally Friendly?

There has been a great conflict between fuel efficiency and eco-friendliness in cars. Even though plug-in hybrid vehicles have for long been thought of as environmentally friendly because they use electricity, in the real world they are the opposite. As countries grapple with the issue of carbon emissions, the PHEVs global market growth shall be a shock if all indications are correct. Comparing carbon emission rates between eco-friendly cars like Honda Jazz that rely on petrol and plug-in hybrid vehicles, Greenpeace was correct by terming PHEVs as “Wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Contrary to automakers official tests figures of 44g of … Continue reading

مستقبل تحلية المياة لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا

تحلية المياه هي عملية معالجة للمياه يتم فيها فصل الأملاح من المياه المالحة لانتاج مياه صالحة للشرب. عملية التحلية تستهلك كمية كبيرة من الطاقة لانتاج الماء العذب من مصادر المياة المالحة. يتم ضخ الماء المالح في عملية التحلية وتكون المخرجات عبارة عن خط ماء عذب بالاضافة لخط أخر من المياة عالية الملوحه جداً. يوجد أكثر من 15000 وحدة تنقية مياه على المستوى الصناعي في العالم، بطاقة اجمالية تزيد على 8.5 مليار جالون يومياً. يتفوق أسلوب الترشيح بالأغشية في هذا المجال حيث تبلغ نسبته حوالي 44% من اجمالي الطاقة الاجمالية، يليه التحلية بالتسخين MSF بنسبة حوالي 40 %. وبالنسبة للمصادر، تمثل … Continue reading

Design Beyond The Ordinary With Creative Fabrica Studio

Introducing Studio, the online design tool as the latest innovation from Creative Fabrica. This new, modern, and unique platform serves as a complete all-in-one solution that can revolutionize the way you create, inspire, materialize, and even advertise your ideas! Whether you’re an experienced designer aiming to elevate your creations or an absolute beginner eager to venture into the world of digital design and crafting, this tool can help you on your journey. Studio Highlights As crafters and professionals know, a good platform is not just about creating a great design – but it’s also about how well it functions, what … Continue reading

Smart Grid – Key to Managing Energy Demand

Electricity consumption in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been climbing steadily for the past few decades. Saudi electricity market is growing at an accelerating rate due to higher consumption rates in the private, commercial and industrial sectors. Current domestic energy consuming behaviors pose inescapable fatal consequences that affect both the Kingdom’s production and export levels. Therefore, an urgent action is needed to curb the increasing electricity demand and promote energy conservation in the country. Smart grid is a dynamic solution which can bridge the gap between the current supply and increasing demand in Saudi Arabia. What is Smart Grid? A … Continue reading

10 Basic Things Every Car Owner Should Know

Owning a car is so exciting. The first days are just so thrilling when the car is still new. Wait until you run into mechanical issues and you will know that maintaining a car and owning one are two very different things. In fact, buying a car is cheaper than maintaining one when you do not arm yourself with knowledge on how to maintaining it. Read through these 10 basic things that every car owner should know. It will save you lots of cash, time and give you peace of mind. 1. Regular Car Maintenance For a first-time car owner, … Continue reading

مقدمة لمحاكاة الطبيعة

البشر أذكياء ، ولكن دون قصد ، خلقنا مشاكل استدامة هائلة للأجيال القادمة. ولحسن الحظ ، فإن الحلول لهذه التحديات العالمية تحيط بنا من كل جانب. التقليد الحيوي هو نهج للابتكار يسعى إلى إيجاد حلول مستدامة للتحديات البشرية من خلال محاكاة أنماط واستراتيجيات الطبيعة التي تم اختبارها عبر الأزمنة. الهدف هو إنشاء منتجات وعمليات وسياسات – طرق جديدة للحياة – تتكيف بشكل جيد مع الحياة على الأرض على المدى الطويل. الفكرة الأساسية هي أن الطبيعة قد حلت بالفعل العديد من المشاكل التي نواجهها. الحيوانات والنباتات والميكروبات هي بمثابة مهندسين بارعين. بعد مليارات السنين من البحث والتطوير ، والفشل المتمثل في … Continue reading