Benefits of Owning a Hybrid Vehicle

Hybrid vehicles are not new; however, their popularity has increased over time. Even though hybrid cars may seem hard to produce, the exact opposite is true. Hybrids are just cars with both gasoline or diesel engine and a battery-powered electric motor. A hybrid vehicle, such as the Toyota Prius and the 2022 Toyota Corolla, conserves fuel and emits less CO2 emissions. The purpose of two engines is to reduce fuel consumption and, therefore, to save energy. How Hybrid Cars Work Any vehicle with two separate power sources can be classified as a hybrid car. Due to the high expense of … Continue reading

Non-Slam Check Valves – Types, Functions and Applications

Non-slam check valves are check valves used to prevent reverse fluid flow. Also, these valves are meant to eliminate or reduce water hammer and their associated effects. A water hammer is a high-pressure shock wave that happens when the fluid flow stops abruptly because of a pump or valve closing quickly in a piping system. When water hammer happens, the fluid flow reversal causes high stress on the piping system which endangers its structural integrity and may cause damage or rupture. Non-slam check valves are used to prevent water hammers and ensure fluid flows in one direction only. Non slam … Continue reading

Pump – Types, Functions and Applications

A pump is a device used to transfer fluid from one point to another. A pump is categorized as a hydraulic mechanical machine used to move fluid from a point of low pressure to point of high-pressure. A pump works adding pressure energy into the fluid. It is the pressure energy of the fluid that makes the fluid move from the interior of the pump to the required destination. All pumps work by creating a vacuum. This vacuum is responsible for making the pump suck the fluid into the pump so that it can be moved to the required destination. … Continue reading

The Surprising Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles

March 2022 has seen the highest capacity of electric vehicle (EV) registrations than any other month in history – in fact, more were registered in that single month than over the entirety of the year 2019. As interest in EVs continues to rise at a rapid pace, questions about the long-term environmental impact of electric vehicles are coming forward. More Resources, Reduced Carbon Emissions One of the most notable and attractive features of the modern EV is its “zero emission” component. But while these streamlined vehicles can significantly decrease the volume of carbon emissions released into the environment, the resources needed … Continue reading

What Are the Environmental Benefits of Electric Cars

People are moving away from driving gas-powered vehicles at a tremendous rate for financial and environmental reasons. We have looked at a few key areas where using electric cars will benefit us in the areas we live in and in our wallets. Considering the first Tesla to hit the road was less than twenty years ago (2003), we have seen a dramatic shift towards electric vehicles from small manufacturers all the way through to major car producing companies. This shift has enormous environmental benefits for all of us and will continue to do so for generations to come. 1. Clean … Continue reading

Why Battery Energy Storage is an Unsustainable Solution in a Zero Carbon Future

Batteries rarely come up in discussions about sustainable energy. People tend to think of only solar panels, wind turbines, and other devices that capture energy from the atmosphere. However, the fact is that without a form of energy storage, the vast majority of the captured energy would be wasted. Plus, without storage, the environmental limitations of renewable energy will be insurmountable. If we can only use solar energy when the sun is out or wind energy when the wind is blowing, then we’ll never be able to power civilization over the long run. The unfortunate effect of that common oversight is that people … Continue reading

What is a Solar Power Bank?

The introduction of solar power bank has been among the top energy storage solutions in recent years. Thanks to it, people no longer have to experience the horror of running out of power at a critical point or worry about their devices going off at an impromptu moment. Read on to find out what a solar power bank is and why you should consider getting one. What is a Solar Power Bank? A solar power bank is an energy storage device that obtains energy from the sun and uses it to charge/power various electronic gadgets, like phones, tablets, laptops, torches, … Continue reading

Waste Management Implications of 3D Printing

The rapid deployment of 3D printing is one of the most exciting developments since the appearance of the smart phone. This is technology with some serious potential to change how and where goods are manufactured, transforming supply chains. The New Scientist has gone so far as to herald 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, as ushering in a second industrial revolution. But is anyone thinking about how what this new development means for the waste sector? Whilst the technology is already being put to some dubious uses, the ability to manufacture pretty much anything wherever and whenever it’s needed is certainly appealing. Interest isn’t … Continue reading

How to Improve E-Waste Management

Arguably, e-waste is fast becoming the defining issue of our age. Sure, plastics are a huge problem, and the true impact of our plastic production and consumption is only now coming to light. However, recent shifts in attitudes towards single-use packaging and other forms of non-recyclable plastics seems to be making some traction, and across the globe people are beginning to wake up to the destructive consequences of our reliance on plastics of all types. The increase in electronic waste, however, shows no sign of slowing. Current estimates suggest that around two-thirds of the world population own a smartphone, with … Continue reading

Going Paperless With Automated Reminders For Your Business

With the environmental conservation advocacy going around the worlds, people are trying their best to do their part in preserving their surroundings. And it’s for this reason that most businesses and more so are going green. The benefits that this move provides are great. But that will be a heated discussion for another day. Today, we are going to share with you various ways of going paperless with automated reminders for your business. Sounds like something you want to know? Read through the end! Using An Automatic Digital Stock Management System Every business owner knows the importance of keeping track … Continue reading

5 Unique and Advanced Solar Lights You Must Have

The world is turning to solar power due to depleting natural resources. Energy efficiency is something that everyone is thinking about at the current moment. It is due to the rising energy bill prices and the costs associated with alternative energy sources. The most viable option for people these days is to make use of the energy available for free. Despite the initial investment being higher, people are turning to unique and advanced solar lights. These advanced solar lights can perform multiple tasks, like being able to provide power for the CCTV to operate in different places, and more. Top … Continue reading