Environmental Benefits of Tire Recycling

It is estimated that there are more than a billion passenger vehicles in the world. Imagine the number of tires that will be eventually disposed of. In the United States alone, an estimated 300 million tires are discarded every year. Where do you think those tires would end up? With the size, volume, and inherent durability of tires getting rid of them is no walk in the park. Fortunately, tire recycling has made substantial improvements in the past several years thanks to innovative technologies. The next time you are to replace your car tires, make it a point to recycle … Continue reading

The Menace of Plastic Water Bottles

It is common to see people greatly misuse plastic water bottles considering it free, taking a bottle, sipping it half and throwing it away. These used and partially consumed water bottles are then collected and thrown away in municipal garbage bins from where  it is collected and transported to landfills and waste dumps. These water bottles thus have a high carbon footprint and represent enormous wastage of precious water source and misuse of our other fragile resources. In many cases, these water bottles are being littered around the commercial and religious places. Plastic water bottles are a common feature in … Continue reading

السماد الحيوي

هو نوع من السماد الذي يحتوي على انواع معينه من ديدان الارض والتي تستخدم لتحسين تحويل الفضلات العضويه لانتاج مواد افضل . في وسط درجه حرارة معتدله هذة العلمية تجري باستخدام كائنات دقيقة و ديدان الارض . تتغذى ديدان الارض على الفضلات العضوية و تمر عبر النظام الهضمي لها و تنتج ما يشبه الشرنقه المطحونه و التي تعرف ب (السماد الحيوي ) ( vermicomposting ) ببساطه , السماد الحيوي هو فضلات الديدان , و يطلق عليها القالب ( الصب )casting  والتي تستطيع ان تحسن صفات التربه الفيزيائية و الكيميائية و البيولوجية , الافرازات الكيميائية للجهاز الهضمي لديدان الارض قادرة على … Continue reading

A Glance at Waste-Free Economy

Growth from trashing the planet was never a clever idea and linear economics has now reached the end of the line. The ‘more is better’ economy does not need to be stimulated to grow nor constrained from growing. It needs to be entirely replaced by ‘positive development’ in which markets work to automatically, systematically make things better both locally and globally. The folly of endless resources extraction, endlessly unmet human needs and endless waste dumping can end. Linear economics can be replaced by ‘circular economics’. Waste-Free Growth Model A switch towards waste-free economy would preserve and regenerate material value and … Continue reading

إدارة نفايات الإسبستوس في الشرق الاوسط

في كل عام تعمل دول منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا على إستيراد كميات كبيرة من الإسبستوس بهدف إستخدامها في قطاع الإنشاء. و بينما تُمثل منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا معاً 20٪ من الطلب العالمي على مادة الإسبستوس بحسب آخر الإحصاءات فإن أكبر المستهلكين لمادة الإسبستوس في المنطقة هما دولتي إيران والإمارات العربية المتحدة. فى الواقع، واردات الأسبستوس في الشرق الأوسط بأكمله تزايدت بشكل مطرد بإستثناء مصر والمملكة العربية السعودية حيث أنهما الدولتان الوحيدتان اللاتي وضعت حظراً على الأسبستوس ولكن  بفعالية مشكوك فيها. وقد بلغت واردات إيران وحدها نحو 30،000 طن من الأسبستوس كل عام. و قد تم استيراد و إستهلاك أكثر … Continue reading

E-Waste Management: Perspectives from Egypt

As the person in charge of reducing my company’s environmental impact and maintaining our ISO 14K certification, I had to find a solution for the ever growing number of discarded mobile phones from our employees, partners and 30+ million customers! I explored almost every initiative related to e-waste management in Egypt. I participated in forums addressing the problem, attended meetings full of great ideas and intentions, met local and expat experts, participated in student competitions offering solutions and contacted overseas entities with great track record like Close The Gap, Umicore and Greencyc. Despite all of these resources, I couldn’t find … Continue reading