Go Big! The Challenge of Large Scale Restoration of the Badiya

The badiya[i] is a region of desert, semi-desert and steppe covering 500,000 square kilometers (200,000 square miles) of the Middle East, including parts of Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq.[ii] It accounts for 85% of the land area of Jordan[iii] and 55% of Syria.[iv] To the south it borders and merges into the Arabian Desert.[v] Much of the Badiya has become severely degraded by historic misuse over hundreds of years.[vi] Trees were cut and used for buildings, but more intensively for firewood and making charcoal. This pressure and centuries of overgrazing by herds of thousands of camels, goats, and sheep … Continue reading

The Role of Indigenous Knowledge and Innovations in Water Management

Our ancestors have created astounding water management systems and applications that helped them combat the harsh climate and scarce natural resources in many parts of this universe. Read on to know how ancient civilizations used indigenous knowledge in water management, and how innovation and entrepreneurship can ward off the water crisis facing the entire MENA region. The Golden Past Within MENA and since the 4th century BCE, the strongest civilizations made it through arid and semis arid conditions mainly due to their robust water technologies and hydraulic engineering. In the 14th century, the deliberations of the great Tunis-born social scientist … Continue reading

Water Scarcity in Jordan: An Overview

Being one of the most arid countries in the Middle East, Jordan is facing severe water shortages. The current per capita water supply in the country is 200 cubic meters per year which is almost one-third of the global average. To make matters worse, it is projected that Jordan’s population (currently at 6 million) will reach 9 million by 2025 causing a drastic decline in per capita water availability to measly 91 cubic meters. Read on to know more about water scarcity in Jordan:   State of the Affairs Groundwater resources account for 54% of Jordan’s total water supply, and … Continue reading

Water Shortages in MENA: A Trigger for Resilience & Innovation

Water has been – and will continue to be – a key shaper of life on earth. It is a major driver for the rise, dismantle, and displacement of civilizations. History has shown that water could be a cause of peace and conflict among nations.  From a more practical perspective, water is at the heart of socioeconomic and environmental development agendas. The MENA region is the most water-scarce region in the world, a situation being magnified by climate change and political instability. While the impacts of such amplified water challenge are becoming more visible, the indirect and unmeasured impacts on … Continue reading

The Rapid Degradation of Wadi Gaza

In recent years, environmental crisis has worsened in the Palestine, Gaza Strip in particular, with solid waste, sewage and air pollution being the major issues. The key reason for environmental degradation in the Gaza Strip has been the difficult economic situation and an unending Israeli blockade. Wadi Gaza (or the Gaza Valley) which is located in the middle of Gaza Strip has been transformed from being the most substantial natural ecosystems in Palestine to the most deteriorated regions. Wadi Gaza can be described as one of the largest natural wetlands in Palestine with a length of 105 km. This area has … Continue reading

أهمية المحافظة على المياه المنزلية

تعاني منطقة الشرق الاوسط من ندرة المياه وسوء الإدارة للموارد المائية. وعلى الرغم من الإستثمارات الضخمة في قطاع المياه، لا تزال قضية إدارة المياه شكل خطوره من الناحية الإقتصادية والبيئية في جميع أنحاء هذه المنطقة. الإستهلاك المفرط للمياه هي قضية خطيرة ويعتبر معدل استخدام نصيب الفرد من المياه في معظم بلدان الشرق الأوسط أعلى كثيرا من المعدل العالمي. فعلى سبيل المثال، متوسط استهلاك المقيمين في كل من الإمارات العربية المتحدة والسعودية حوالي 250 لترا و550 لترا من المياه يوميا على التوالي. بينما معدل استخدام الفرد للمياه في المملكة المتحدة وألمانيا حوالي 127 لترا و150 لترا من المياه يوميا على التوالي. … Continue reading

Water Conservation Strategies to Increase Water Efficiency

To deal with water management challenges, it is important to bring a balance between both water supply and demand side. This can be done by employing strategies to increase water efficiency and water conservation. Water conservation strategies for the Middle East include reducing the use of potable water where possible, find alternative source of water for various water usage and increase the water efficiency of fixtures and equipment. Efficient strategies along with water monitoring that tracks water consumption and identifies problems can significantly reduce both indoor and outdoor water consumption in water-scarce Middle East countries like UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and … Continue reading

Towards New Partnerships in Water Management

Market-exchange economy and territory-bound nation state were not designed to accommodate a communication revolution that can envelop the globe and connect everyone and everything on the planet simultaneously. The result is that we are witnessing the birth of a new economic system and new governing institutions that are as different from market capitalism and the modern territorial state as the latter were from the feudal economy and dynastic rule of an era ago. Markets, in effect, are linear, discrete and discontinuous modes of operation. The new communications technologies and partnerships, by contrast, are cybernetic, not linear. The operational assumptions that … Continue reading

Strategic Water Management in the 21st Century

The global water crisis in the 21st century is related to many economic, political, and social factors. A lot of people believe that the main reason behind the crisis lies in poor strategic water management and not in the lack of resources. It is estimated that in a few years almost half of the world’s population will live in water-stressed areas, such as MENA, where inhabitants will struggle to gain access to clean water. Saving the Environment It is no secret that the environmental pollution is affecting every aspect of our lives. But when it comes to water resources, the … Continue reading

العاصفه اليكسا – الجوانب الايجابيه لمنطقه الشرق الاوسط

شهد العام 2013 تحول في التاريخ عندما اجتاحت العاصفة اليكسا منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا حيث جلبت العواصف الثلجية والأمطار الغزيرة والرياح الجليدية لهذه المنطقة التي لم تشهد مثل هذه العاصفة منذ أكثر من 100 عام.  حيث تسببت العاصفة اليكسا بالفيضانات المدمرة في المدن العربية، مثل غزة، وانقطاع التيار الكهربائي في بعض مناطق الأردن.و تساقطت الثلوج بغزارة في الأردن و التي  غطت الشوارع، مما أعاق الحركة واجبرت الناس على المكوث في منازلهم لعدة أيام.  لقد جلبت هذه العاصفة أيضا المشقة والبؤس لللاجئين السوريين حيث  عانوا البرد القارس في خيام هشة وملاجئ مؤقتة. الجوانب الايجابيه لا نريد التقليل من شأن  الصعوبات و … Continue reading

Islamic Framework on Integrated Water Resources Management

The Islamic perspective on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) framework provides a holistic approach to look at the entire spectrum of water management components, i.e, water resources, uses, treatment and resue. Islam provides policies and principles that address all elements of the framework for . At the resource level, Islam teaches that the Universe and humans are created by God. And the source of water is from God, the creator, however, Islam believes in the rational and pragmatic explanations of science. The first verse in Quran is “Read” and there are many references in Quran that urge humans to think … Continue reading

Boosting Your Water Tank’s Pressure for Better Efficiency

Many people face issues related to low water tank pressure, which leads to reduced efficiency. The culprit could be blocked pipes or malfunctioning pressure tanks. By addressing these problems, you can enhance the effectiveness of your water tank. The first thing to look at is your system’s pipe size. If your pipes are too small, they might be restricting the flow of water. By upgrading to larger pipes, you can improve your water tank’s pressure and water flow. Pressure tanks are another area to examine. If they’re not functioning properly, they can drag down your entire system’s efficiency.  A simple … Continue reading