Boosting Fruit Crop Productivity: A Guide To Irrigation Systems

In agriculture, the health of fruit crops is paramount to a bountiful harvest. For fruit crops, consistent hydration is vital. Irrigation systems supplement natural rainfall and ensure balanced moisture levels, which is key to preventing drought or disease from overwatering. But before you install an irrigation system and discover how to maximize your fruit crop’s potential, read the guide below. What is an Irrigation System? An irrigation system is a man-made installation designed to deliver water to crops or landscapes. Its purpose is to aid in the growth of agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas … Continue reading

Managing Water-Energy Nexus For A Better Tomorrow

Water is an essential part of human existence, green source of energy production and input for thermal power generation. The world’s 7 billion people are dependent on just 3% (called freshwater) of the total volume of water on earth. The MENA region is home to 6.3 percent of world’s population but has access to measly 1.4 percent of the world’s renewable fresh water. Due to burgeoning population and rapid economic growth, the per capita water availability is expected to reduce to alarming proportions in the coming decades. The demand for water is expected to increase significantly in future, which is also … Continue reading

Environmental Outlook for the Arab Region

The overall environmental outlook in the Arab region is bleak, despite progress on some fronts, according to the latest report of the Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED). Entitled Arab Environment in 10 Years, the report crowns a decade of annual reports on the state of the environment in the Arab world. The AFED reports have become major references for highlighting progress, identifying problems facing the Arab world, and recommending alternative solutions.  Key Issues at Stake Having an environmental organization focused solely on the Middle East is essential when considering the characteristics specific to the region. As outlined in … Continue reading

Know About Red-Dead Sea Water Conveyance Project

The legendary Dead Sea has been shrinking for the last 40 years by as much as 1m a year mostly due to water diversion of the Jordan River, mainly by Israel and to a lesser extent Jordan. This decline in the Dead Sea levels causes a variety of environmental, social, and economic harm to the surrounding countries by affecting the tourism industry, and destroying one of the world’s most distinct habitats. The surrounding countries have come to realize the severity of its destruction and have acted accordingly to mitigate its depletion. Recently, Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority have signed … Continue reading

How Does A Wastewater Treatment Plant Work?

Wastewater treatment is essential for minimizing water pollution that can disrupt delicate ecosystems, interfere with food chains, and transmit diseases. As the urban population continues to rise, this increasing population density can generate more organic waste and wastewater, which calls for proper treatment and more efficient wastewater treatment plants. A dwindling supply of clean water necessitates more cost-efficient, high-quality wastewater treatment systems. These modern treatment plants employ the latest technologies to decontaminate dirty water before funneling the water back into these ecosystems. What pollutants wastewater treatment removes? A wastewater treatment system harnesses the power of technology to facilitate wastewater treatment … Continue reading

Breathing Life into Sand

Dake Rechsand’s innovative and transformative solutions are proactively contributing to the creation of a more sustainable and abundant world. The company’s breakthrough breathable sand technology utilizes low-value desert aeolian sand, to create a constantly evolving portfolio of high value products. The solutions offered by Dake Rechsand include applications in water purification, desert farming, water harvesting, construction, sand casting, sand oil and more. The company is transforming food and water security in water stressed regions and is currently engaged in an ambitious plan to enable farming and greenery for at least 10,000 acres across UAE or for half a million trees … Continue reading

Dake Rechsand’s ‘Magic Sand’ Aims to End UAE’s Food and Water Deficit Within 5 Years

Addressing the UAE and larger MENA regions’ sustainability challenges of water conservation, green cover and food security, Dake Rechsands’ breakthrough sand technology can harvest and store rainwater to create a new water source for the region as well as transform deserts into lush tropical forests and organic farms. Dake Rechsand, a collaboration between South Africa’s Dake Group and the Rechsand Technology Group from Beijing, today announced the launch of their revolutionary ‘magic sand’ technology and its affiliated sand-made product range in the Middle East region. The joint venture is the result of their mission to take these innovative technologies to … Continue reading

8 Eco-Friendly Ways to Wash Your Car

How do you normally wash your car? Most of us will answer “the driveway” as the place where we normally wash our car. Washing our car in the free driveway might be one of the most harmful things we do to our environment. Like the other wastewater from our home, the car wash wastewater doesn’t go into the septic to get into treatment. The car wash wastewater from the driveway goes straight into the sewer or drains and gets mixed with the river or local pond without any wastewater treatment. This chemical car wash water pollutes the aquatic life and … Continue reading

Egypt’s Water Crisis – Recipe for Disaster

Egypt has been suffering from severe water scarcity in recent years. Uneven water distribution, misuse of water resources and inefficient irrigation techniques are some of the major factors playing havoc with water security in the country. Egypt has only 20 cubic meters per person of internal renewable freshwater resources, and as a result the country relies heavily on the Nile River for its main source of water. The River Nile is the backbone of Egypt’s industrial and agricultural sector and is the primary source of drinking water for the population. Rising populations and rapid economic development in the countries of … Continue reading

البرك الشمسية في البحر الميت – حين يجد الشباب الأردني الحل لتوفير الطاقة

توالت الاقتراحات و الحلول لمشاكل توفير الطاقة عبر السنين العشر الماضية في الأردن , و كان العديد من المهتمين بهذا الموضوع في وضعية بحث غير منقطعة عن حلول جدية و احيانا جذرية , لكن كما يعلم الجميع ما زال موضوع ” البدائل البيئية ” و كيفية الحفاظ على البيئة و توفير الطاقة موضوعا يصنف تحت قائمة ” الرفاهيات ” و أن هناك ما هو أهم لتسليط الضوء عليه رغم وجود حوال 70 جمعية لحماية البيئة في الأردن . لكن ليس من الضروري أحيانا  أن تصل التوعية لأعداد ضخمة أو مجتمعات كبيرة , ربما وصولها لأفراد سينعشها و يضخ الحياة فيها … Continue reading

Common Water Pollutants and Their Effects on the Environment

English poet W.H. Auden once said, “Thousands have lived without love, not one without water,” and how true that is. Water is what keeps us alive and sustains us. Why, then, do we have such a problem keeping water clean, and what does water pollution do, not only to us but to the environment? Let’s delve into the subject of water pollution so we can better understand it and its effects on the whole world. Water Pollution Facts Water pollution is caused when a toxic substance gets into the water supply, whether that be a river, ocean, or the underground … Continue reading

أزمه المياه في مصر

تعاني مصر في السنوات الاخيرة من شح شديد في المياه و يعد توزيع المياه غير المتكافئ و اساءه استخدام موارد المياه وتقنيات الري غير الفعاله بعض العوامل الرئيسيه التي تلعب دورا مدمرا للأمن المائي فيالبلاد. يعد نهر النيل شريان الحياة في مصر حيث  يغطي متطلبا ت الزراعة و الصناعه و هو المصدر الرئيسيلمياه الشرب للسكان. ان ارتفاع معدلات النمو السكاني و التنمية الاقتصادية السريعة  في دول حوض النيل  بالإضافة الى التلوث و التدهور  البيئي آخذُ باستنزاف الموارد المائية في مصر.  و تواجه مصر   عجزا مائيا يقدر  بسبع بليون متر مكعب سنويا .وفي حقيقة الامر فإن الامم المتحدة قد حذرت من نفاذ … Continue reading