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The Promise of Olla Irrigation

Efficient traditional methods of irrigation that could be of great use on small and medium sized farms and gardens were not well studied or publicized until recently. The olla (buried clay pot or pitcher) method of irrigation is one of the most efficient systems known and is ideal for gardeners and small farmers and can be used in a patio container.[1] I first learned about it in a Chinese agricultural text from 2000 years ago. Olla irrigation uses a buried, unglazed clay pot filled with water to provide controlled irrigation to plants as the water seeps out through the clay … Continue reading

Recycling of Polystyrene Wastes

Polystyrene (also known as EPS Foam or Styrofoam) is a highly popular plastic packaging material which finds wide application in packaging of food items, electronic goods, electrical appliances, furniture etc. due to its excellent insulating and protective properties. Polystyrene is also used to make useful products such as disposable cups, trays, cutlery, cartons, cases etc. Despite the attractiveness of polystyrene, municipalities and organisations are facing a growing problem in disposal of polystyrene packaging and products. Being large and bulky, polystyrene take up significant space in rubbish bins which means that bins become full more quickly and therefore needs to be emptied … Continue reading

أنظمة ري عالية الكفاءة للحدائق المنزلية والشجيرات والأشجار

إن العديد من الأسر والمجتمعات وحتى البلدان معرضة للخطر بسبب التغير المناخي الذي يتسبب في حدوث موجات من الجفاف والفيضانات الحادة والشديدة، حيث أن إمدادات المياه محدودة في الكثير من المناطق وتكاليفها أيضاُ آخذة بالارتفاع. لذا فإنه بإمكان أنظمة الري تحقيق أكبر استفادة من إمدادات المياه المحدودة. على مدى ما يقارب الاربعون عاماً قمت بتجارب وتعديل استراتيجيات لإنشاء مصانع في صحارى سونوران وموجافي شمال أمريكا، حيث يصل معدل هطول الامطار الى 7.5 سم في العام الجيد، حيث تكون هذه الانظمة مفيدة للحدائق المنزلية وزراعة الشجيرات والأشجار في الأراضي القاحلة. بدأت السعي بهذا الموضوع في الثمانينات، عنجما بدأت البحث حول العالم … Continue reading

Looking For Love While Environmentally Conscious? Here’s How to Meet People Who Share Your Passion

Are you looking for love but having trouble finding people who share your environmental values? If so, there’s good news – there are a lot of people out there in the world, and most likely, there are others out there who want the same things you do. The question is, how do you find those people? How To Meet People Who Share Your Passion and Values Here are some steps to take to meet people who share your passion and values related to the environment, lifestyle, relationships as a whole, and more: 1. Know your needs and wants First, you’ve … Continue reading

صحوة بيئية

الخطر الذي يهدد الامن الصحي والبيئي للمجتمع المحلي في بيروت دفع المجتمع المدني البيئي لإعلان مواجهة إجراءات التخلص من النفايات عن طريق الحرق، ومن المعروف ان هذا الإجراء له مخاطره الصحية على الإنسان والبيئة، وسبق وكان للمجتمع المدني البيئي في البحرين موقفه المعارض لاعتماد هذا النظام الذي وجد إستجابة من الجهات العليا والمختصة في الشأن البيئي. التحرك المدني البيئي في بيروت يمثل توجه مهم للتنوير البيئي وتعزيز الصحوة البيئية للمجتمع في مواجهة المشاريع المضرة بصحة الانسان ومحيطه البيئي، لذلك وجدنا ضرورة تسليط الضوء على التحرك البيئي في بيروت. ان توجهنا في تسليط الضوء على التحرك البيئي جاء بناء على التعاون … Continue reading

The Concept of Garden in Islamic Culture

The Arabic words Hadiqah, riyad, janna, raudah refer to the garden in its classical sense, with different nuances. The words bustan, munia, ruzafa, buhaira, ‘ars refer to the large agricultural or leisure estates generally located on the periphery of towns. These terms and others go to show the diversity of meaning in the concept of garden in the Islamic culture. In Islamic Culture, the garden is above all the essence of elements of Creation: Creation itself is a garden. This garden is at the heart of all the flowering Islamic civilization: beauty, mathematics, architecture, spirituality, poetry, botanic sensibility, hydraulics, biodiversity… … Continue reading

Can Nature Be A Tool For Those With Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders are more common than one might expect. While we don’t have the exact number, statistics looking at the past-year prevalence of personality disorders among adults from 2001-2003 found that 9.1% of the population experienced a personality disorder when the data was taken. But, what exactly are personality disorders? How are they treated, and can nature be used as a tool for those who are struggling with personality disorders and other concerns? What Are Personality Disorders? To start, what are personality disorders? Personality disorders are characterized by ongoing patterns of maladaptive behavior, affect, and cognition. Every personality disorder has … Continue reading

How to Choose the Right Countertop for Your Modern Kitchen

Your outdated kitchen is about to be a thing of the past! If you’re ready for a kitchen renovation, you’ve probably given a lot of thought to design and décor. But don’t get too comfortable yet; there’s a lot of materials you’ll need to choose and things you’ll need to do before demolition day. Bringing your kitchen into the 21st century comes with a lot of fun decisions, like what kind of new cabinets, appliances, fixtures and the type of flooring you’ll choose. These are all important elements to consider, however, one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make … Continue reading

Environmental Sustainability in Islam

Islamic beliefs, traditions and values provide an effective and comprehensive solution to the current environmental challenges faced by the human race. Islam has a rich tradition of highlighting the importance of environmental protection and conservation of natural resources. According to Islamic law, the basic elements of nature – land, water, fire, forest, and light – belong to all living things, not just human beings. The Holy Qur’an and Sunnah are a guiding light to promote sustainable development in Islamic countries as well as around the world. Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) commands human beings to avoid doing mischief and wasting resources … Continue reading

Explore the Power of a 12V 100Ah Battery for Off-Grid Adventures

What can you do with a 12V 100Ah battery? This versatile power source has countless applications, whether you’re off-grid camping, powering a small boat, or setting up a home backup system. In this article, I’ll discuss the top 10 uses for a 12V 100Ah battery and provide practical ideas for making the most of this powerful energy storage solution. A LiTime 12V 100Ah battery offers reliability and convenience, from keeping your electronics charged during a road trip to ensuring your solar setup runs smoothly. Stick around to discover how this battery can be a game-changer for your energy needs. What … Continue reading

النطاق الواسع للتحدي في إعادة تأهيل البادية

البادية هي عبارة عن منطقة صحراوية تغطي ما مساحته 500000 كيلومتر مربع أي ما يقارب (200000 ميل مربع) من أراضي الشرق الاوسط، بما فيها سوريا والاردن والسعودية والعراق. تمثل 85% من مساحة الاردن و55% من مساحة سوريا. وجنوباً فانها تندمج مع أراضي الصحراء العربية. للأسف فإن أجزاءً كبيرة من هذه البادية تدهورت بشكل كبير وشديد بسبب سوء الاستخدام البشري والتاريخي على مدى العصور، حيث تم قطع الاشجار واستخدامها بالبناء وتصنيع الحطب وصنع الفحم والى ما ذلك. هذا الاستخدام بالإضافة للرعي الجائر من الابل والماعز والاغنام على مدى القرون جعل الارض قاحلة في الكثير من المناطق وأدى ذلك الى تسريع وتيرة … Continue reading

From Vision to Reality: Jordan’s EV Surge and the Road to Sustainability

Jordan is in the midst of an electric vehicle revolution, reflecting a global shift that’s particularly pronounced since 2020. This surge isn’t just about numbers; it’s about a profound change in how Jordanians view mobility. China’s ambitious goal to have 100 million electric vehicles on its roads by 2030 has fueled a local manufacturing boom and global sales boom, making EVs more accessible and affordable. In Jordan, this global trend has translated into exponential growth, with EVs making up 66.5% of all car sales by Q1 2024. This places Jordan second only to Norway, underscoring the nation’s rapid embrace of … Continue reading