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5 Benefits of Remote Monitoring Systems

Remote monitoring systems are fueling the proliferation of industrial revolution 4.0, partly thanks to the advancement in the Internet of Things (IoT) and data logger technologies. These systems allow organizations to have a clear, continuous, and holistic view of their processes, personnel, and equipment, as well as monitor environmental conditions that may impact their products and occupational safety. In today’s highly competitive and regulated business environment, organizations must efficiently and consistently monitor conditions, assets and proactively detect problems. The ability to know when conditions are about to go out of range or to have early warning of a potential equipment … Continue reading

CSP-Powered Desalination: Prospects in MENA

Conventional large-scale desalination is cost-prohibitive and energy-intensive, and not viable for poor countries in the MENA region due to increasing costs of fossil fuels. In addition, the environmental impacts of desalination are considered critical on account of GHG emissions from energy consumption and discharge of brine into the sea. The negative effects of desalination can be minimized, to some extent, by using renewable energy to power the plants. What is Concentrated Solar Power The core element of Concentrated Solar Power Plant is a field of large mirrors reflecting captured rays of sun to a small receiver element, thus concentrating the … Continue reading

اتفاق باريس وأهمية الحوكمة في التصدي بفاعلية لتغيرالمناخ

افتتحت قبل أيام مراسم التوقيع على اتفاق باريس بشأن تغير المناخ والذي تم الاجماع عليه العام الماضي في باريس من قبل 195 دولة ضمن مؤتمر الاطراف الواحد والعشرون وسيبقى باب التوقيع مفتوحا لغاية نيسان 2017.بينما يرى الكثيرون أن الاتفاق يعتبر تاريخياً من حيث إجماع كل من الدول الصناعية والدول النامية لأول مرة على سياسة إطارية موحدة بشأن تغير المناخ، ينذر البعض الآخر أن نجاح الاتفاق مقترن بخطط التنفيذ وآليات المراجعة الخاصة به. وعلى كل الاحوال فإن الاتفاق والعملية التي صاحبت تحضيره يعتبر انموذجا يحتذى به في الحوكمة الدولية وفي حشد التأييد على مستوى السياسات. والقضية المهمة حالياً متعلقة بمدى قدرة … Continue reading

دور المعرفة الأصيلة والابتكار في إدارة المياه

أنشأ أسلافنا أنظمة وتطبيقات مدهشة لإدارة المياه ساعدتهم على مكافحة المناخ القاسي والموارد الطبيعية الشحيحة في أجزاء كثيرة من هذا الكون. في هذا المقال، نستعرض كيف استخدمت الحضارات القديمة المعرفة الأصيلة في إدارة المياه، وكيف يمكن للابتكار والريادة أن يجنبوا منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا أزمة المياه التي تعصف بها. الماضي الذهبي استطاعت الحضارات القوية البقاء والاستمرار في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا منذ القرن الرابع قبل الميلاد، على الرغم من الظروف الجافة والقاحلة، بسبب اعتمادها على التكنولوجيات المائية المحكمة والهندسة الهيدروليكية. في القرن الرابع عشر، أشارت مداولات عالم الاجتماع الكبير المولود في تونس ابن خلدون إلى أن السلالات المنِعة … Continue reading

Sustainability in the MENA Cement Industry: Perspectives

The population in the MENA countries has doubled during the last 30 years (from ca. 110m in 1980 to almost 484m in 2018). As per conservative estimates, the rate of urbanisation in the MENA countries will exceed 70% five years from today (average for all developing countries: 54%). The proceeding urbanisation and the population increase involve several problems and challenges for the national governments and also for the cement industry. The cement production of countries in the MENA region has almost tripled during the last 15 years up to approximately 500m tons. Since the start of national revolts and demonstrations … Continue reading

شح المياه في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا: محفز للمنَعة والابتكار

لقد كان الماء – وسيظل – عاملًا رئيسيًا في تشكيل الحياة على الأرض. فهو محرك رئيسي لنهوض الحضارات وتفككها وتهجيرها. أظهر التاريخ أن الماء يمكن أن يكون سببًا للسلام والصراع بين الأمم. ومن منظور عملي أكثر، تقع المياه في قلب برامج التنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والبيئية. تعد منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا المنطقة الأكثر ندرة في المياه في العالم، وهو وضع يتفاقم بسبب تغير المناخ وعدم الاستقرار السياسي. في حين أن تأثيرات هذا التحدي المائي المتضخم أضحت أكثر وضوحًا، فمن المتوقع أن تتسارع شدة ووتيرة التأثيرات غير المباشرة وغير المقاسة على الأمن والاستقرار في المنطقة في السنوات القادمة. تتميز معظم الموارد … Continue reading

How Ethical Sourcing Trends Are Reshaping the Jewelry Industry

The jewelry industry is experiencing a major shift. As the debate around ethical sourcing gradually picks up speed, the sector is experiencing changes, shifts, particularly in how diamonds and gemstones are mined, traded, and even sold. Think about where your last piece of jewelry came from. Would you wear it if you knew its origin story involved exploitation Companies now prioritize conflict-free supply chains and fair-trade practices. It’s transforming the diamond market. These changes aim to address long standing issues while meeting the growing consumer demand for transparency. Stay tuned as we explore the innovative practices reshaping this dazzling industry. … Continue reading

How Sustainable Tourism is Shaping Trekking Trails

As the allure of nature’s untouched beauty continues to captivate wanderers, trekking trails across the globe are experiencing an unprecedented transformation. Sustainable tourism is at the heart of this evolution and is reshaping how we explore and preserve natural landscapes. By integrating eco-friendly practices and ethical guidelines, sustainable tourism enhances the trekking experience and safeguards these precious environments for future generations. Here are nine ways sustainable tourism influences trekking trails and contributes to their preservation. 1. Leave No Trace Principles Leave No Trace (LNT) principles are essential for minimizing human impact on natural areas, particularly during challenging hikes like the … Continue reading

Water Woes in Palestine

Water crisis in the West Bank and Gaza is largely overshadowed by the overall political tension between Palestine and Israel. However, the ever-growing water conflict between the two sides is a major impediment to reaching a just and peaceful resolution to the Palestine-Israel conflict, and an essential component for the creation of an independent Palestinian state. Ever since the Nakbah (Day of Catastrophe) in 1948, Israel has sought to control the main sources of water, and after the 1967 conflict Israel has managed to control all of the major water sources it shares with Palestine and other neighboring countries such … Continue reading

Waste Awareness in Qatar: A Survey

Waste awareness in Qatar has gained traction in recent years, but more efforts are required to make the masses aware about the consequences of reckless waste generation and disposal, and how sustainable living practices and recycling can help in making Qatar a truly sustainable nation. Below is the outcome of an interesting survey on waste awareness which was conducted among Qataris and non-Qataris (expatriates). Plastic is the most common waste generated in a typical household in Qatar. One-third of overall respondents say that of all products, the volume of the plastic waste generated is higher, followed by food waste (19%) … Continue reading

Seawater Desalination – A Better Choice for MENA

Water scarcity is a major problem in many parts of the world affecting quality of life, the environment, industry, and the economies of developing nations. The MENA region is considered as one of the most water-scarce regions of the world. Large scale water management problems are already apparent in the region. While the MENA region’s population is growing steadily, per capita water availability is expected to fall by more than 40-50% by the year 2050. Also, climate change is likely to affect weather and precipitation patterns, and the consequences of which may force the MENA region to more frequent and … Continue reading

What Size Solar System Do I Need For My Home?

Are you ready to transform your home into a hub of eco-friendly energy and take control of your power usage? Making the switch to a solar power system is a game-changing decision that promises both environmental benefits and energy independence. But with this exciting change comes a crucial question: “What size solar system do I need for my home?” In this article, we’ll guide you through the key factors to consider, helping you determine the perfect solar setup to meet your household’s unique energy needs. How Energy Providers Can Help Energy providers such as Smart Solar Energy can help you … Continue reading