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How to Write a Paper About Saving the Environment

Today, writing a college paper on saving the environment is the task that sooner or later every student encounters on their academic journey. After all, taking into account the climate issues of the present day, writing a meaningful paper can serve as an effective tool used to raise awareness of global problems, advocate for change, as well as inspire others to take action to save the world and make it a better place. If you’re assigned the task of crafting the paper on protecting the environment, our tips and tricks given below will help you in the process of work. … Continue reading

How Indoor Plants Can Improve Air Quality and Sustainability

Indoor plants have recently exploded in popularity, and for good reason: they’re not just a stylish addition to any room but a natural air purifier that’s better for the planet, too. Bringing greenery into your home invites a host of benefits that go far beyond mere aesthetics – think fresher air, reduced stress, and an eco-friendly environment. With that said, here are five ways indoor plants can enhance air quality and support sustainability: 1. Natural Air Purifiers As clean as our homes or offices may be, the air could always use some purification, and this is what having indoor plants … Continue reading

The Menace of Single-Use Plastic Bags

Single-use plastic bags are one of the most objectionable types of litter in urban areas. The sheer volume of plastic waste generated, coupled with energy and material resources required for production, as well as emissions resulting from these processes, paint a grim picture of the environmental havoc created by plastic bags. These single-use plastic bags are causing extensive negative effects to the environment because of how simply they can be used in one’s daily life. There are candy wrappers, takeout containers, and other packaging that should’ve otherwise been avoided. Single-use plastic bags are a huge threat to the environment as … Continue reading

Key Drivers for a Greener Built Environment in the Middle East

The drivers for a greener built environment in the Middle East are essentially economic in nature. Green and energy-efficient buildings are getting traction in the region due to increasing energy prices and the need for energy efficient and affordable energy solutions and practices within the construction sector. Large real estate developers find in this a new marketing and PR tool that contributes to their bottom line and to demonstrating their commitment to sustainable development goals and environmental responsibility. From the supply side, suppliers and service providers find new business opportunities in this market transformation and this has become a driver … Continue reading

Best Organic Fertilizers: Enrich Your Soil Naturally

Modern agriculture relies heavily on synthetic fertilizers to maintain high yields, but this comes at a cost. Unfortunately, a good chunk of the applied fertilizer isn’t even absorbed by crops. Instead, it leaches into the environment causing pollution. Thankfully, nature offers a variety of materials that we can use to strengthen plants and soil, minus the harmful chemicals with artificial ingredients. Keep reading to learn more about the best organic fertilizers and find out which one is the perfect match for your garden. What are Organic Fertilizers? Organic fertilizers are carbon-based natural substances that have been used by people for … Continue reading

Everything You Should Know About Hydroponic Farming

Locally grown vegetables and salad greens are becoming increasingly common in the market places of Bahrain, thanks to modern agricultural practices such as hydroponic farming. Bahrain is now taking definite steps towards being self-sustaining with certain food items that frequent our dinner table. By adopting the alternative agricultural practices, Bahrain is actively tackling the issue of food security. Commercial hydroponic farming facilities are well established in Bahrain with a highly promising and very green future. Hydroponic farms are successfully operating in Bahrain even in the summer months when the daytime temperatures are 40-50oC and nighttime temperatures are 30-35oC outside of the greenhouses. One … Continue reading

Boosting Your Water Tank’s Pressure for Better Efficiency

Many people face issues related to low water tank pressure, which leads to reduced efficiency. The culprit could be blocked pipes or malfunctioning pressure tanks. By addressing these problems, you can enhance the effectiveness of your water tank. The first thing to look at is your system’s pipe size. If your pipes are too small, they might be restricting the flow of water. By upgrading to larger pipes, you can improve your water tank’s pressure and water flow. Pressure tanks are another area to examine. If they’re not functioning properly, they can drag down your entire system’s efficiency.  A simple … Continue reading

Using Solar Energy To Bolster Business Sustainability

Sustainability is no longer a luxury for businesses but a necessity for thriving in the modern market. As environmental issues increasingly influence consumer choices and regulatory requirements, companies are looking for creative methods to cut down their carbon emissions and show their dedication to a greener future. Solar energy, with its plentiful supply and clean generation, is becoming a significant contributor to this sustainability movement. No matter the size of your business, whether it’s a small startup or a large corporation, this article offers useful insights and practical strategies to help you harness solar energy. By doing so, you can … Continue reading

Environmental Sustainability in Qatar: Perspectives

In recent years, the concept of environmental sustainability is slowly, but steadily, getting prominence, both in the public and private sectors in Qatar. Mounting environmental pressure has led to the development of new initiatives in several state-owned and private companies. As a major fossil exporter and one of the wealthiest countries, Qatar should do its fair share in reducing domestic greenhouse gas emissions and developing strong climate adaptation plans. Many companies are investing heavily in replacing old turbines, boilers, and furnaces, minimizing GHG and non-GHG emissions, and wastewater discharge. The new companies that were set up in last decade are adopting … Continue reading

ادارة النفايات الصلبه في سلطنه عٌمان

تعتبر اداره النفايات لسلطنه عٌمان قضيه تحدي  بسبب اثارها السلبيه على البيئه والصحه العامه. مع تعداد سكاني يقارب 3 ملايين نسمه فان البلاد انتجت ما مقداره 1.6 مليون طن من النفايات الصلبه في عام 2010.  و يتعدى نصيب الفرد من انتاج النفايات  عن 1.5 كغم يوميا من بين اعلى المعدلات في جميع انحاء العالم. تتميز النفايات الصلبه في عُمان بان نسبه عاليه منها قابله لاعاده التدوير , يعد الورق بالمقام الاول  ويشكل ما نسبته 26% , بلاستيك 12%, معادن 11% و زجاج 5%. و مع ذلك فان عُمان لم تدرك بعد  الامكانيه العاليه لاعاده تدوير نفاياتها. معظم النفايات  الصلبه ترسل  الى … Continue reading

طرق سهلة للبدء بالزراعة المائية

هل تساءلت مسبقاً إن كان بإمكانك زراعة أي نبات بدون تربة؟ حسناً، إنك تستطيع عمل ذلك الآن والفضل يعود لنظام الزراعة المائية. فبدلاً من استخدام التربة، فإن هذا النظام يساعدك على زراعة النباتات والخضار في محلول مائي مع بعض العناصر الغذائية اللازمة، ولا يتوقف الامرهاهنا، بل إن هذه الطريقة تجعل النباتات تنمو بشكل أسرع، وأيضاً تستخدم طول السنة، بمساحة أقل وإنتاج أكثر من الزراعة التقليدية. من النباتات التي تستطيع انباتها بهذه الطريقة هي الخس والأوريجانو والطماطم وبعض الاصناف الأخرى، هذا النظام يعد من أفضل الانظمة للناس الذين ليس لديهم مساحة أرضية للزراعة أو البستنة. لذلك، إذا لديك أي اهتمام بهذا … Continue reading

Biogas Feedstock in the Middle East

Anaerobic digestion (or biogas technology) is the natural biological process which stabilizes organic waste in the absence of air and transforms it into biofertilizer and biogas. It is a reliable technology for the treatment of wet, organic waste.  Organic waste from various sources is biochemically degraded in highly controlled, oxygen-free conditions circumstances resulting in the production of biogas which can be used to produce both electricity and heat. Almost any organic material can be processed with anaerobic digestion. A wide range of organic wastes are available in the Middle East for anaerobic digestion. In addition to MSW, large quantity of waste, in … Continue reading