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تونس: التهديد المناخي على الأبواب

ألقت التغيرات المناخية بظلالها على تونس التي تعرف منذ منتصف شهر يونيو موجة حر غير مسبوقة وصلت خلالها درجات الحرارة إلى مستويات قياسية. تبدو ولاية تطاوين في أقصى الجنوب إحدى أكثر المناطق تضررا من ارتفاع  معدلات الحرارة، إذ تصل نسبة الصحراء فيها إلى أكثر من تسعين بالمائة وتتميز بمناخ قاحل يكاد أن يكون الغطاء النباتي فيها معدوماً، باستثناء بعض النباتات الصحراوية القليلة مثل النباتات التي تنتمي لعائلة الصباريات، والشيح، والقيصوم، وبعض النباتات الحوليّة الصحراوية  وهو ما يجعل تأثير الحرارة في هذه المنطقة الجافة أشد وطأة . في هذا الإطار، نشرت جمعية حماية البيئة بذهيبة صورا مفزعة لنفوق عدد من الغزلان … Continue reading

مستقبل تحلية المياة لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا

تحلية المياه هي عملية معالجة للمياه يتم فيها فصل الأملاح من المياه المالحة لانتاج مياه صالحة للشرب. عملية التحلية تستهلك كمية كبيرة من الطاقة لانتاج الماء العذب من مصادر المياة المالحة. يتم ضخ الماء المالح في عملية التحلية وتكون المخرجات عبارة عن خط ماء عذب بالاضافة لخط أخر من المياة عالية الملوحه جداً. يوجد أكثر من 15000 وحدة تنقية مياه على المستوى الصناعي في العالم، بطاقة اجمالية تزيد على 8.5 مليار جالون يومياً. يتفوق أسلوب الترشيح بالأغشية في هذا المجال حيث تبلغ نسبته حوالي 44% من اجمالي الطاقة الاجمالية، يليه التحلية بالتسخين MSF بنسبة حوالي 40 %. وبالنسبة للمصادر، تمثل … Continue reading

Sustainable Solutions: Home Electrical Upgrades

Lights that flicker, half-functional outlets, old technology…sound familiar? You’re not alone in wanting to move past these outdated annoyances. It’s time to upgrade your home’s electrical system, and while we’re at it, why not turn it into a sustainable haven? This isn’t just about making your life more convenient; it’s about contributing positively to the environment and reducing your carbon footprint. In case you need professional help in the south, before enlisting them, arm yourself with knowledge. Below are recommended sustainable solutions to consider for your home electrical upgrades. Importance of Sustainable Electrical Upgrades It’s no longer just about convenience … Continue reading

Water Filtration: The Eco-Friendly Choice for Homes

Kickstart the day with water that packs a punch of purity for your health. As concerns of clean water continue to highlight in mainstream discussions, a significant number of homeowners are leaning towards more eco-friendly solutions. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported in 2019, around 785 million people still lack basic drinking water services. The number stresses on our responsibility to make sustainable choices. So why not start with the earth’s most vital resource – water? A home water filtration system is a valuable remedy to these ailments and more, with suggesting a plethora of eco-friendly options available in … Continue reading

Navigating the Disposal of Electronic Waste: Understanding WEEE Management

The disposal and recycling of waste require meticulous handling, especially for certain kinds of waste that could potentially pose a risk to public health and safety. This discussion centres around the management of WEEE waste. Defining WEEE WEEE stands for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, encompassing a wide range of items that either plug into an electrical source or are battery-operated, commonly known as “e-waste.” This category also includes lighting equipment like fluorescent and high-intensity discharge lamps, and “white goods” such as major appliances (e.g., refrigerators, washers, and ovens) which account for approximately forty percent of all disposed and recycled … Continue reading

Why You Should Go for Green Electricity This 2024

Carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutants are flooding our atmosphere. These pollutants form a blanket that traps the sun’s heat energy in the atmosphere, warming the earth and putting marine life in jeopardy. With these alarming updates, people can take some simple steps to help mitigate the effects of climate change. For example, we should invest in technological breakthroughs that enable the use of renewable energy. What is Green Electricity? The term “green electricity” refers to energy derived from natural sources such as the sun. Green electricity does not emit contaminants into the atmosphere, whereas renewable energy comes from … Continue reading

Why You Should Consider Sustainable Merchandise For Your Next Corporate Event

Imagine your company’s next corporate event. You’re shaking hands, exchanging ideas – and gifts. But what if those gifts did more than just break the ice? What if they stood for something bigger? Sustainability isn’t a buzzword anymore; it’s a business imperative. Companies weaving eco-friendly practices into their fabric are not only benefiting our planet but also scoring big with consumers and stakeholders who value environmental responsibility. Now, let’s dive into why embracing sustainable merchandise is more than a mere nod to current trends – it’s an investment in your brand’s future and the world we share. Let’s have a … Continue reading

The Blue Belt Initiative: Promising Ambition To Transform Challenges Into Opportunities That Protect The Oceans

It is good for the African continent to wrap itself with the belt of sustainability and the protection of marine biodiversity. What’s even better is for the ‘Blue Belt Initiative’ to launch from the furthest northwest point of the African continent (Marrakech, Morocco), a Mediterranean and African region, and in a global forum where the international community discusses a crucial issue for our planet’s security, the issue of climate. The “Blue Belt Initiative” started during the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (COP22), hosted by Morocco in 2016. The initiative serves as an international … Continue reading

Finance for Green Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, and SMEs: Perspectives for Jordan

Jordan is one of the most water scarce countries in the world where resources are far below the water poverty line which is 1000 m3 per capita per year. Adding to water scarcity, energy availability is another challenge where 96% of the demand is imported from outside.  Due to climate change, both water and energy sectors are expected to be negatively impacted. Lack of water and high prices of energy will both hinder the economic growth and employment rates adding further stress on the current high unemployment percentage specially among youth. Need for Green Economy To get out of this … Continue reading

All You Need to Know About Renewable Energy in Jordan

Renewable energy systems have been used in Jordan since early 1970s. Infact, Jordan has been a pioneer in renewable energy promotion in the Middle East with its first wind power pilot project in Al-Ibrahemiya as early as 1988. In the recent past, Jordan has witnessed a surge in initiatives to generate power from renewable resources with financial and technical backing from the government, international agencies and foreign donors. However, renewable energy in Jordan remains largely untapped due to high cost associated with non-conventional energy resources and relatively cheap availability of oil and natural gas. Wind energy is feasible mainly in … Continue reading

Storm Alexa – Positive Aspects for MENA

The year 2013 saw history being made when Storm Alexa swept across the Middle East and North Africa bringing blizzards, torrential rain and icy winds to a region that hasn’t experienced such a storm in over 100 years. Storm Alexa caused devastating floods in Arab cities, such as Gaza, and power cuts in certain areas of Jordan. Heavy snowfall in Jordan covered the streets, hindering mobility and forcing people into their homes for several days. The storm has also brought hardship and misery upon the Syrian refugees enduring the bitter cold in fragile tents and makeshift shelters. Positive Aspects However, … Continue reading

Effective Ways to Tackle the Menace of E-Waste

Daily life has been made far more efficient, and glamorous, as technology improves at phenomenal rates. We are encouraged to go paperless, and drastically reduce waste from paper materials. However, technology has its own waste issues to deal with. Electronic waste (or e-waste), is the fastest growing waste stream, and its disposal is a major environmental concern in all parts of the world. When new technology does out with the old, our current model of disposing of ‘outdated’ technology is harming people, profits and most importantly, the planet. More than 50 million of tons of e-waste is generated globally and the quantity is rapidly … Continue reading