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The Islamic Discourse on Climate Change

Global ecological trends show that we face the risk of tipping points and irreversible changes in the environment and in its capacity to support and sustain human life in all its dimensions.  This state of imbalance and pollution is referred to as “fassad” in Islam which is attributed to human-made actions. Transforming society and the world’s economy to a sustainable basis presents the most significant challenge to the 21st century. It is inspiring to harness local knowledge and culture to inform sustainability. Islam as a worldview and a way of life can provide a fresh outlook to human-environmental in a … Continue reading

Corporate Shared Value: Trends in the Corporate World

What if businesses could both make money and do good through the same actions? Businesses leaders who subscribe to the idea of corporate shared value believe they can. Many proponents even say it redefines and revitalizes capitalism. Michael Porter, a professor at Harvard Business School, and Mark Kramer, managing director of the global social impact consulting firm FSG, kicked off the corporate shared value trend in 2011 with an article in Harvard Business Review. Corporate Shared Value (or Shared Value) is a new generation business thinking which enhances the competitive position of the company while at the same time advances … Continue reading

مقدمة في عملية التسميد

إن عملية التسميد هي  عبارة عن تفاعل معقد بين النفايات والكائنات الحية الدقيقة المتواجدة داخلها . الكائنات الدقيقة التي تنفذ هذه العملية تنقسم إلى ثلاث مجموعات: البكتيريا والفطريات، والفطريات الشعاعية . الفطريات الشعاعية هي شكل من أشكال البكتيريا مثل الفطريات التي تفتت المواد العضوية .المرحلة الأولى من النشاط البيولوجي هو استهلاك السكريات المتوفرة بسهولة عن طريق البكتيريا، مما يسبب ارتفاعا سريعا في درجات الحرارة . تليها  المرحلة الثانية التي تسبب فيها  البكتيريا والفطريات الشعاعية  انهيار السليلوز . المرحلة الأخيرة هي المرحلة  المعنية بإنهيار اليغنينس “lignins” الصلبة من قبل الفطريات . الحلول الوسط لهذه العملية تتخلص  بالتسميد بكلفة منخفضة دون التهوية … Continue reading

ترشيد الطاقة في المساجد

المسجد هو المكان الذي يستخدمه المسلمون للعبادة ولتأدية صلواتهم على مدار السنة، إضافة الى الدور المحوري الذي يلعبه في المجتمع الاسلامي. تعمل المساجد ضمن جدول زمني محدد ومرتبط بمواعيد الصلوات اليومية الخمس الممتدة على طوال اليوم، وتستغرق كل فترة صلاة من 30 الى 60 دقيقة وهي تختلف من مسجد لاخر، وقد تطول فترة بقاء المصلين في المسجد اكثر من المعتاد في بعض المواسم والصلوات مثل صلاة الجمعة وصلاة العيدين وشهر رمضان. في السنوات الأخيرة اصبحت المساجد شديدة الاستهلاك للطاقة نظرا لإستخدام مكيفات الهواء وسخانات المياه والإنارة وغيرها من الاجهزة الكهربائية. لقد تطور الشكل العمراني للمسجد نتيجة الموقع الجغرافي والبيئة والعوامل … Continue reading

All You Need to Know About Ocean Acidification and its Impacts

The relentless rise in the percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide since the Industrial Revolution is a well-known fact. Carbon dioxide is considered as one of the key players among the greenhouse gases that has contributed the most towards global warming, the current hot topic among environmentalists, scientists and even politicians. Another key issue is increasing being discussed nowadays is Ocean Acidification. Ocean acidification is an ongoing change in the chemistry of the ocean caused primarily by the ocean’s absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. What is Ocean Acidification Around 1/4th of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere via … Continue reading

Islam and Environmental Protection: A Fresh Perspective

There is an inseparable relation between the environment and our soul. It will be great if Muslims in particular and the wider world in general learn from the Holy Scriptures, like the Holy Qur’an and Hadith, to try to wage an eco-friendly jihad (noble effort) to promote environmental balance and stability. This will be the true jihad to please God and ensure easy entry to heaven, in the existing world, not to speak of the hereafter. Thus, we can taste the bliss of heaven on this planet before we chance upon the eternal paradise. Quran and Environmentalism The Holy Qur’an … Continue reading

What are the Best Renewable Energy Stocks to Invest in?

The term renewable energy is widely used in the modern age, with this referring to energy derived from sources or processes that are continually replenished. The most prominent examples of renewable energy include solar, wind and geothermal energy, with the demand for such sources rising continually amid projections that the vast majority of fossil fuels are now “unburnable” if we’re to successfully limit the threat posed by global warming. At the same time, it’s thought that existing fossil fuel sources will be depleted by 2060 at the current rate of burning, so there’s no doubt that businesses and investors are … Continue reading

A Guide to Sustainable Engineering Practices

As humanity faces an array of environmental challenges, from climate change to resource depletion, sustainable engineering emerges as a pivotal field dedicated to devising solutions that meet our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. This discipline integrates principles of environmental science with engineering to develop efficient, durable, and economical solutions, minimizing the ecological footprint of human activities. Sustainable engineering addresses a broad spectrum of environmental challenges. It plays a crucial role in combating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in managing waste to prevent pollution, in conserving water and energy, and in protecting ecosystems … Continue reading

هل تغليف الغذاء يهدد الصحة؟

أغلب سكان المدن يفضلون شراء الأطعمة المُغلّفة الجاهزة لتوفرها وسهولة الحصول عليها، وذلك لكثرة مشاغلهم.  وإن تغليف الطعام يلعب دوراً هاماً في الحفاظ على جودته وصحته ومدة صلاحيته وقد يقلل من إهدار الغذاء. إلا أن كيماويات مواد التغليف قد تلوث الطعام وتسبب أمراضاً خطيرة. هناك مجموعة من الكيماويات تسمى اختصاراً (PFAS) لا تذوب في الماء ولا في الدهون ولا تلتصق بالطعام وتستخدم في مئات المنتجات بما في ذلك تغليف الاطعمة. وقد ثبت ارتباطها بأمراض خطيرة بسبب تراكمها في جسم الإنسان الذي يتناولها يومياً مع الماء والغذاء ولا يستطيع الجسم التخلص منها بالسرعة الكافية. لذلك وجدت هذه الكيماويات في الدم والبول … Continue reading

Biogas from Animal Wastes

The Middle East and North Africa region has a strong animal population. The livestock sector, in particular sheep, goats and camels, plays an important role in the national economy of regional countries. Millions of animals are imported in MENA each year from around the world. In addition, the region has witnessed very rapid growth in the poultry sector. Animal Waste Management Animal waste is a valuable source of nutrients and renewable energy. However, most of the waste is collected in lagoons or left to decompose in the open which pose a significant environmental hazard. The air pollutants emitted from manure include … Continue reading

Role of CSP in South Africa’s Power Sector

Demand for electricity in South Africa has increased progressively over several years and the grid now faces supply and demand challenges. As a result, the Department of Energy has implemented a new Integrated Resource Plan to enhance renewable energy generation capacity and promote energy efficiency. Solar photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP) are set to be the main beneficiaries from the new plan having their initial allocation raised considerably. Daily power demand in South Africa has a morning and evening peak, both in summer and winter. This characteristic makes CSP with storage a very attractive technology for generating electricity … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly Factors To Consider When Investing In Company Stocks

In today’s investment landscape, integrating eco-friendly considerations into stock market investments is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic financial move. Investors are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability in driving long-term growth and minimizing risks associated with environmental degradation and climate change. Companies that prioritize green initiatives, resource efficiency, and sustainable business practices often exhibit resilience and innovation, making them attractive investment opportunities. By focusing on these eco-friendly factors, investors can contribute to a healthier planet while potentially securing robust returns, aligning their financial objectives with environmental stewardship. Monthly Dividend Stocks To Look Out For In the realm … Continue reading