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Eco-Friendly Ways to Manage Food Wastes

Food waste is one of the most prominent waste streams across Middle East.  The mushrooming of hotels, restaurants, fast-food joints and cafeterias in the region has resulted in the generation of huge quantities of food wastes. The proportion of food waste in municipal waste stream is gradually increasing and hence a proper food waste management strategy needs to be devised to ensure its eco-friendly and sustainable disposal. Food waste is an untapped energy source that mostly ends up rotting in landfills, thereby releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Food waste includes organic wastes generated in hotels, restaurants, canteens, cafeterias, shopping malls … Continue reading

Things You Should Know About The Dangers of Asbestos

The use of asbestos has been a widespread issue that continues to impact countries on a global scale. As a favored material used in buildings and construction projects throughout the 20th century, asbestos held an incredible appeal as a mineral known for its heat and fire resistant properties. For decades, this substance was synonymous with manufacturing and development. However, it was soon discovered that once asbestos was disturbed or damaged, the fibrous material could have a fatal effect on those that came into contact with it. Asbestos in the United States Despite its known dangers, asbestos continues to pose a … Continue reading

A Beginner’s Guide to Greenhouse Gardening

If you’ve ever been interested in greenhouse gardening, you aren’t alone. Greenhouse gardening lets you grow plants on an extended schedule or have things that you wouldn’t normally be able to grow in your area. If you’re thinking about greenhouse gardening, the following are some of the main things to know as you get started. Types of Greenhouses There are a few main types of greenhouses you’ll initially choose from, including: A cold frame greenhouse is one designed to rely on natural heat from the sun. The sun’s heat creates a microclimate for plants that’s warmer than the air outside. … Continue reading

Le rôle du savoir et de l’innovation autochtones dans la gestion de l’eau

Nos ancêtres sont à l’origine d’impressionnants systèmes et applications de gestion de l’eau qui leur ont permis de faire face à la rudesse du climat et à la rareté des ressources naturelles dans bien d’endroits dans le monde. Découvrez comment les anciennes civilisations appliquaient les savoirs autochtones à la gestion de l’eau, ainsi que le rôle de l’innovation et de l’entrepreneuriat dans la lutte contre la crise de l’eau qui menace toute la région MENA. Le passé d’or Dans la région MENA et depuis le IVe siècle av. J.-C., les civilisations les plus puissantes ont surmonté des conditions arides et semi-arides … Continue reading

6 Environmental Tips to Consider While Establishing Your Office

As an entrepreneur, you need an effective operations center, perhaps one or a few that you can call your office/s. This is where you’ll handle most if not all the aspects of your business. However, an office is more than just furniture, computers, equipment, and stationery. The effective office setup may vary widely depending on the kind of business you own or are setting up. Additionally, there are quite a number of core considerations that are crucial when establishing your office. If you guessed right, environmental health and eco-friendliness are some of the most important factors to consider these days, … Continue reading

How to Make Your Home More Sustainable: 14 Effective Ways

Traditional houses were not built with the environment in mind. Most houses require a lot of energy for heating during cold seasons and cooling during hot seasons. A big percentage of houses are not oriented according to the direction of sunlight and wind to achieve better lighting and cooling. As the population continues to increase exponentially, some cities have started to experience the power and water shortage. This problem has led to frequent power and water rationing, especially during dry seasons. It is important for homeowners to renovate their houses so that they can reduce water and electricity consumption. Improve … Continue reading

Hydroponic System from Plastic Bottles: Step-by-Step Guide

In recent years, the hydroponic system is getting increasing popularity worldwide. The reason for why it has become so popular is that the same makes the plant growth effortless. Following this system, people prevent the unwanted use of soil as the plants are grown in the container consisting of water, oxygen, and other nutrients. This further keeps their home free from dirt, filth, and hazardous germs. In addition, the grower is now no more required to provide nutrient to the plants every after 2-3 hours as the plants get their essential nutrients from the liquid solution discharged in the hydroponic … Continue reading

Swing Trading Strategies for Prop Firm Traders

Swing trading is a popular trading strategy used by prop firm traders to capitalize on short-term price fluctuations in the market. It allows traders to take advantage of both upward and downward movements, making it a versatile strategy that can be profitable in different market conditions. Understanding Swing Trading In order to excel at swing trading, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the basics. Swing trading involves holding positions for a short period of time, typically a few days to a few weeks. Traders aim to capture the “swings” in price that occur within this time frame. … Continue reading

The Benefits of Integrating Solar Energy in Buildings

The greenhouse gases (GHGs) generated by buildings alone accounted for 13% of all carbon emissions the past couple of years. In order to meet the new ambitious targets to halve the GHG levels recorded in early 2005, the implementation of sustainable and renewable energy sources has now become a crucial element of construction design and management. Whether they are integrated in new homes or retrofitted to older buildings, solar panels are an efficient and accessible source of energy that are becoming more and more common in both commercial and residential buildings (in the U.S., and worldwide). New building codes, incentives for … Continue reading

Green Roofs in MENA – Prospects and Challenges

Green roofs are emerging technologies that can provide a wide range of benefits to communities interested in enhancement and protection of their environment. The major benefits of green roofs are reducing energy use as well as air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing stormwater management and water quality, decreasing heat island effect by regulating temperature for the roof and the surrounding areas and providing aesthetic value and habitats for many species. Increased energy consumption in the region is due largely to population growth, with related increases in demand for liquid fuels and electricity for domestic use and devices, heating, cooling, … Continue reading

استخدام الذكاء الصناعي في قطاع الطاقة في الأردن: الحوكمة والإدارة المثلى

يعتبر قطاع الطاقة من القطاعات الحيوية التي تؤثر بشكل مباشر على المجتمع والاقتصاد على حد سواء, ففي ظل التقدم التكنولوجي المستمر، بات الذكاء الصناعي AI جزءًا لا يتجزأ من استراتيجيات تعزيز الإدارة المثلى وتحسين كفاءة قطاع الطاقة واستغلال الموارد, كما أنه يشكل فرصة لتطوير التعاون بين القطاعات المختلفة، كل ذلك يصب في تحقيق مكاسب بيئية واقتصادية واجتماعية مختلفة. في هذا الصدد, وقع الأردن عقد تنفيذ استعمال الذكاء الصناعي  في نظام التخطيط والتشغيل للأحمال الكهربائية، وذلك في إطار اتفاقية التعاون الفني المشترك الموقعة بين وزارة الاقتصاد الرقمي والريادة والوكالة اليابانية للتعاون الدولي وشركة ألجيبرا، لبناء وتطوير المنظومة الداعمة للذكاء الاصطناعي، وتطبيق … Continue reading

الذكاء الصناعي وإدارة التغير المناخي: آفاق جديدة لادارة التغير المناخي في الأردن

بات التغير المناخي أحد التحديات العالمية الأكثر إلحاحًا والتي تواجه البشرية في القرن الحادي والعشرين. حيث يواجه الأردن –كغيره- من البلدان تبعات هذا التغير بما يشمله من نقص للموارد المائية والجفاف وارتفاع في درجات الحرارة. في ظل هذه التحديات، والتي تتطلب حلولاً سريعة ومبتكرة وقابلة للتطوير, يقدم (AI)أداة تكنولوجية واعدة تساهم في تعزيز القدرات الوطنية لإدارة التأقلم مع التغير المناخي, حيث تمكننا هذه التكنولوجيا من تعزيز فهمنا لتغير المناخ وتحسين عملية صنع القرار، وتطوير استراتيجيات أكثر فعالية للتخفيف والتكيف. كيف يمكن استعمال AI لادارة التغير المناخي؟ .1 تحليل البيانات الضخمة تعتمد الاستجابة المستدامة للتغير المناخي على التكامل بين قطاعات متعددة … Continue reading