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The International Road Safety Report: Road Tolls by Country

We compare the number of road fatalities per 100,000 population between the USA and other English Speaking Countries – the UK, NZ, Canada, Australia and Ireland USA road fatalities are 11.78 people per 100,000 population – highest of English-speaking countries New Zealand is second highest, with a rate of 6.01 deaths per 100,000 people Canada is third behind the USA and NZ with 4.59 road fatalities per 100,000 population Australia is fourth highest in terms of road fatalities with a rate of 4.26 Ireland’s road fatality rate per 100,000 is 2.96 UK has lowest fatalities per 100,000 population, of 2.26 … Continue reading

Restocking the Seas around Bahrain through Fish Farming

The marine waters around Bahrain have been showing a decline in fish stock for several decades. But in the first decade of this millennium, restocking has become a routine practice endorsed by the former Public Commission for the Protection of Marine Resources, Environment and Wildlife (now the Supreme Council for the Environment). In recent years, the fishing industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain is starting to really look up with the restocking of the waters from farmed fish. Requirements of a Fish Farm Fish farming means growing fish in fixed enclosures (tanks, ponds or cages) exposed to the natural climatic conditions … Continue reading

Green SMEs in Middle East: Obstacles and Challenges

With ‘green’ being the buzzword across all industries, greening of the business sector and development of green skills has assumed greater importance all over the world, and Middle East is no exception. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in eco-design, green architecture, renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability are spearheading the transition to green economy across a wide range of industries. Green SME sector in the Middle East has been growing steadily, albeit at a slower pace than anticipated. Regulations One of the major obstacles in the progress of green SMEs in the Middle East the has been poorly-designed regulation. According … Continue reading

Green Finance in the Middle East

Green finance is among the most important enablers that would boost innovation and increase the adoption of green solutions and practices across different industrial sectors. Green finance, which has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, provides public well-being and social equity while reducing environmental risks and improving ecological integrity. Middle East is making good progress towards green growth and low-carbon economy. “The latest regional trends highlight the need for green financing mechanisms to support transition to green economy”, said Ruba Al-Zu’bi, a well-known sustainability expert. “While green may be the obvious feasible and sustainable approach, access to finance makes … Continue reading

أزمه المياه في مصر

تعاني مصر في السنوات الاخيرة من شح شديد في المياه و يعد توزيع المياه غير المتكافئ و اساءه استخدام موارد المياه وتقنيات الري غير الفعاله بعض العوامل الرئيسيه التي تلعب دورا مدمرا للأمن المائي فيالبلاد. يعد نهر النيل شريان الحياة في مصر حيث  يغطي متطلبا ت الزراعة و الصناعه و هو المصدر الرئيسيلمياه الشرب للسكان. ان ارتفاع معدلات النمو السكاني و التنمية الاقتصادية السريعة  في دول حوض النيل  بالإضافة الى التلوث و التدهور  البيئي آخذُ باستنزاف الموارد المائية في مصر.  و تواجه مصر   عجزا مائيا يقدر  بسبع بليون متر مكعب سنويا .وفي حقيقة الامر فإن الامم المتحدة قد حذرت من نفاذ … Continue reading

8 Best Sedan Car Rentals in Dubai

Sedan (saloon) cars are one of the most common models of cars that are offered by rental companies. Different car makers like Toyota, Honda, Kia, Chevrolet, Mazda, Renault etc, all have popular sedan cars that are roaming the streets of Dubai. If you don’t have an idea of what a sedan car is or looks like, then here is a simple explanation. A sedan car simply has four doors and a trunk. It is also easily recognized by its fixed B pillar between the front and the rear windows. Have you ever wondered or thought about which sedan you would … Continue reading

عِقْد العمل: المدن وأنسنة أهداف التنمية المستدامة

بقي أمامنا 10 سنوات على إنجاز ما التزمنا به ضمن الأجندة العالمية للتنمية المستدامة 2030. إلا أن وتيرة التقدم في تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة أبطأ من المطلوب. في كانون الثاني/يناير 2020، وفي محاولة لتسريع التقدم وتكثيف الجهود، أطلق الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة أنطونيو غوتيريش “عِقْد العمل والإنجاز من أجل التنمية المستدامة”. ويستند العِقْد إلى ثلاثة مستويات من العمل: العمل العالمي، والعمل المحلي، والعمل الشعبي. وعقب أسابيع من الإعلان، ضرب وباء “كوفيد-19” الكرة الأرضية وفاقم التحديات أمام جهود تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة حول العالم. وفي حين أن رفاه الإنسان يقع في صميم التنمية المستدامة، إلا أن التوقعات تشير إلى ارتفاع معدل … Continue reading

Islamic Perspectives on Overpopulation, Overconsumption and Climate Change

Overpopulation – and incipient overconsumption – are the twin products of the capitalist system. Consumerism is characterized by the desire for material goods. It is the dominant ideology of our times and holds responsibility for the Climate Crisis. This is as consumerism is intimately linked with anthropocentrism, environmental destruction and global inequality Moreover, Islam can provide a thoroughgoing critique of the prevailing socio-economic system.  As such, it is necessary to develop a strong Islamic platform in order to work towards economic justice and sustainability. Overpopulation can be better understood through analysis of overconsumption and resource depletion. The scale of the … Continue reading

Energy Efficiency Perspectives for UAE

With Abu Dhabi alone on track to generate more than 10,000 megawatts of electricity for the first time, discussion about improving energy efficiency in the United Arab Emirates is taking on a more critical tone. Daytime energy use in the hot summer months is still experiencing rampant year-on-year growth, with peak demand this year growing by 12 per cent. Lying at the heart of these consumption levels is the need for air conditioning, which accounts for about half of total electricity demand. Business and Government Action At the commercial level, considerable steps are being taken to reduce the Emirate’s carbon … Continue reading

Solar Energy Prospects in Tunisia

Tunisia is an energy-dependent country with modest oil and gas reserves. Around 97 percent of the total energy is produced by natural gas and oil, while renewables contribute merely 3% of the energy mix. The installed electricity capacity at the end of 2015 was 5,695 MW which is expected to sharply increase to 7,500 MW by 2021 to meet the rising power demands of the industrial and domestic sectors. Needless to say, Tunisia is building additional conventional power plants and developing its solar and wind capacities to sustain economic development. Wind Energy in Tunisia Wind power represents the main source of renewable energy in … Continue reading

The Vanishing Aquifers in MENA: An Overview

Aquifers are of tremendous importance for the MENA as world’s most water-stressed countries are located in the region, including Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran, Lebanon and Yemen. However, aquifers in MENA are coming under increasing strain and are in real danger of extinction. Eight aquifers systems, including those in MENA, are categorized as ‘over stressed’ aquifers with hardly any natural recharge to offset the water consumed. Aquifers in MENA Aquifers stretched beneath Saudi Arabia and Yemen ranks first among ‘overstressed’ aquifers followed by Indus Basin of northwestern India-Pakistan and then by Murzuk-Djado Basin in North Africa. The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in … Continue reading

Desertec: What Went Wrong?

A plan to power Europe from solar power plants in Sahara desert, popularly known as Desertec, seems to have stalled, but several large North African solar projects are still going ahead despite local concerns. Where did the Desertec project go wrong, and can desert solar power yet play a role in a democratic and sustainable future? If you use social media, you may well have seen a graphic going around, showing a tiny square in the Sahara desert with the caption: ‘This much solar power in the Sahara would provide enough energy for the whole world!’ Can this really be true? It is … Continue reading