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7 Ways to Cut Energy Costs in Small Spaces

Global energy demand continues to rise and is expected to increase by 50% by 2050. This has raised concerns about environmental sustainability, and finding ways to cut energy costs has become a priority for many. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies that can be implemented to reduce energy consumption and lower energy bills in small spaces. By making changes to daily habits and adopting energy-saving technologies, you can achieve significant cost savings while contributing to a more sustainable future. From simple behavioral changes to the implementation of energy-efficient appliances like a single zone mini split system, our comprehensive guide can … Continue reading

The Reuse of Greywater: Insights

Greywater includes water from showers, bathtubs, sinks, kitchen, dishwashers, laundry tubs, and washing machines. The major ingredients of greywater are soap, shampoo, grease, toothpaste, food residuals, cooking oils, detergents, hair etc. In terms of volume, greywater is the largest constituent of total wastewater flow from households. In a typical household, 50-80% of wastewater is greywater, out of which laundry washing accounts for as much as 30% of the average household water use. The key difference between greywater and sewage (or black water) is the organic loading. Sewage has a much larger organic loading compared to greywater. Importance of Reuse of Greywater … Continue reading

Renewable Energy Investment in Jordan

Jordan has tremendous wind, solar and biomass energy potential which can only be realized by large-scale investments. In 2007, the Government of Jordan developed an integrated and comprehensive Energy Master Plan. Renewable energy accounted for only 1% of the energy consumption in Jordan in 2007. However, ambitious targets have been set in the Master Plan to raise the share to 7% in 2015 and 10% in 2020. This transition from conventional fuels to renewable energy resources will require capital investments, technology transfer and human resources development, through a package of investments estimated at US $ 1.4 – 2.2 billion. The … Continue reading

Water Crisis in Refugee Camps

The refugee crisis has hit record heights in recent years. According to the UNHCR, as of the end of 2019 there were approximately 79.5 million refugees worldwide. This is a significant increase from a decade ago, when there were 37.5 million refugees worldwide. Syria’s ongoing civil war, with 7.6 million people displaced internally, and 3.88 million people displaced into the surrounding region and beyond as refugees, has alone made the Middle East the world’s largest producer and host of forced displacement. Adding to the high totals from Syria are displacements of at least 2.6 million people in Iraq and 309,000 … Continue reading

Agricultural Biomass Resources in the MENA Countries

Agriculture plays an important role in the economies of most of the countries in the Middle East and North Africa region.  Despite the fact that MENA is the most water-scarce and dry region in the world, many countries in the region, especially those around the Mediterranean Sea, are highly dependent on agriculture. The contribution of the agricultural sector to the overall economy varies significantly among countries in the region, ranging, for example, from about 3.2 percent in Saudi Arabia to 13.4 percent in Egypt.  Large scale irrigation coupled with mechanization has enabled extensive production of high-value cash crops, including fruits, … Continue reading

Animal Waste Management in Africa: Perspectives

Livestock and poultry production are among the main economic activities in rural as well as urban areas of African countries. The livestock sector, in particular sheep, goats and camels, plays an important role in the national economy of African countries. In addition, the region has witnessed very rapid growth in the poultry sector. The livestock industry and poultry industry, however, are contributing heavily to greenhouse gas emissions and waste crisis in Africa due to the absence of a sustainable animal waste management system. Most of the manure is collected in lagoons or left to decompose in the open which presents … Continue reading

الاقتصاد الاخضر في الأردن..حاجة وخيار استراتيجي

أثار الركود المالي العالمي نقاشا جادا بين العديد من البلدان حول الكشف عن أسباب الفشل وابتكار حلول معقولة. لقد بات البحث عن نمو اقتصادي “تحولي” أمرا مألوفا جدا في الوقت الحاضر، حيث الطاقة النظيفة والاستثمارات الخضراء تتصدران الواجهة كحل لمستقبل أفضل. وفي البلدان التي توجد في قلب التغيير بالعالم العربي، جلب “الربيع” الشهير نكهة مختلفة إلى التغيير والإصلاح المنشودين. ففي الأردن، يشكل الاهتمام بقضية الاستدامة (سواء بيئية أو اجتماعية) حاجة وأيضا خيارا استراتيجيا. ولأن الموارد الطبيعية محدودة جدا والطلب متزايد، فإن استجابة الدولة لاحتياجات المواطنين والبيئة ليست مجرد التزام سياسي، بل علامة فارقة لم تستغل بعد من شأنها أن تجعل … Continue reading

المنظمات البيئية غير الحكومية كمحفزات للصالح الاجتماعي – منظور أردني

مع  تزايد عددها ونطاق عملها على مر الأعوام , تسعى المنظمات البيئية غير الحكومية في الأردن  لتصبح أنموذجا في المساهمة الفاعلة من المجتمع المدني والحوكمة التشاركية والاثر الاجتماعي.  فهي   تثبت كيف يمكن  للبيئيين (الخضر) أن يكونوا قدوة تحتذى من قبل غيرهم من قادة التنمية. تواجه هذه المؤسسات  غير الربحية  تحديات مختلفة ليس فقط  من خلال دورها الرقابي و التوعوي  بل أيضا من خلال عملها في التنظيم  المجتمعي وكعناصر للتغيير الذي نطمح اليه في وطننا والمنطقة . انسجاما مع الصحوة  العامة التي تشهدها منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا من ريادة اجتماعية وحركات شبابية،  ، بدأت  المشاريع الريادية والمبادرات المنطلقة من المجتمع … Continue reading

التغيرالمناخي و الكوارث الطبيعية

ترتبط العديد من الكوارث الطبيعية مباشرة مع تغير المناخ بما فيها الفيضانات والأعاصير و موجات الحر والجفاف و حرائق الغابات والعواصف . وقد أودت مثل هذه الكوارث بحياة أكثر من 600,000 في العقدين الماضيين . تكرر و حجم هذه الكوارث في تزايد مع مرور الوقت و بدون استقرار حتى مع وجود خطط للحد من انبعاث الغازات المسببة للاحتباس الحراري (غازات الدفيئة ) و التوقيع على اتفاقية التغير المناخي في باريس. سجل مكتب الأمم المتحدة للحد من مخاطر الكواثر, بمتوسط ​​335 كارثة متعلقة بالطقس بين عامي 2005 و 2014 ، أي بزيادة قدرها 14 ٪ مقارنة بين1995-2004 ، و تقريبا ضعف … Continue reading

Fuel Pellets from Solid Wastes

Municipal solid waste is a poor-quality fuel and its pre-processing is necessary to convert it into fuel pellets to improve its consistency, storage properties, handling characteristics, combustion behaviour and calorific value. Technological improvements are taking place in the realms of advanced source separation of MSW, resource recovery and production of MSW fuel pellets in both existing and new plants for this purpose. There has been an increase in global interest in the preparation of MSW fuel pellets or Refuse Derived Fuel (or RDF) so let us take a close look at this interesting alternative fuel. Pelletization of Muncipal Solid Waste … Continue reading

What are Biofuels

Biofuel refers to liquid or gaseous fuels that are predominantly produced from biomass. A variety of fuels can be produced from biomass resources including liquid fuels, such as ethanol, methanol, biodiesel, Fischer-Tropsch diesel, and gaseous fuels, such as hydrogen and methane. Resource Base for Biofuels Production The biomass resource base for biofuels production is composed of a wide variety of forestry and agricultural resources, industrial processing residues, municipal solid wastes and urban wood residues. The agricultural resources include grains used for biofuels production, animal manures and residues, and crop residues derived primarily from corn and small grains (e.g., wheat straw). … Continue reading

Recycling of PET Plastic Bottles

Like all other modern urban centers, the Middle East also faces challenges in environmental protection due to tremendous tonnage of plastic waste produced in different forms. The gross urban waste generation from Middle East countries exceeds 150 million tons per annum, out of which 10-15 percent is contributed by plastic wastes. The burgeoning population, growing consumption, and an increasing trend towards a “disposable” culture, is causing nightmares to municipal authorities across the region and beyond. Plastic consumption has grown at a tremendous rate over the past two decades as plastics now play an important role in all aspects of modern … Continue reading