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الامن البيئي في التشريع البلدي البحريني

الامن البيئي من القضايا المقلقة للشعوب لذلك تصدرت اهتمام الدول والمجتمع الدولي، وتجسد ذلك الاهتمام في تبني المجتمع الدولي منظومة من الاتفاقيات والقرارات الدولية التي تضع المعايير والحدود القانونية في منع الانشطة البشرية التي يمكن ان تتسبب في احداث الدمار البيئي الشامل، وتشكيل الخطر المباشر على الامن البيئي للمجتمعات البشرية، وعززت تلك الاجراءات القانونية بالتفاعل الملحوظ للدول في اعتمادها التشريعات البيئية، وتشكيل منظومة الادارة البيئية، وبالتفاعل مع ذلك المسار وتعزيزا للحرص الدولي في الحد من تصاعد مستويات الازمة البيئية العالمية، وصون كوكب الارض من الاخطار البيئية المدمرة للبيئات والاحياء الطبعية والجنس البشري، اعتمد اهداف التنمية المستدامة. البحرين من الدول الفاعلة … Continue reading

Integrating Faith and Sustainability: The Essence of Eco-Islam

The climate crisis has become a key issue in recent years. Changing temperatures and weather patterns have raised alarm bells worldwide, impacting every aspect of our lives. The average global temperature is 1⁰C above the global average levels before the Industrial Revolution. At this rate, scientists estimate that average global temperatures may rise by 2⁰C by 2100. This will spell disaster for the environment at large. Even minute changes in the environment can spell an ecological disaster. Let us investigate how the climate crisis is impacting our lives and what we can do as Muslims to avert the unfolding disaster. … Continue reading

Are Toxic Chemicals Harming Me At Work?

Toxins found at work are poisoning us and ending lives on a global scale. A 2018 United Nations report stated that “one worker dies at least every 30 seconds from exposure to toxic industrial chemicals, pesticides, dust, radiation, and other hazardous substances.” In addition, workplace-related diseases, such as lung cancer linked to inhaling carcinogens on the job, “account for around 86% of all premature death.” Toxins in the workplace can cause “debilitating and fatal lung diseases, neurological disabilities, and reproductive impairments such as infertility and inability to carry a pregnancy to term,” the UN report said. Given the deadly nature of toxic chemicals, minerals and … Continue reading

How to Reduce Your Plastic Footprint: 5 Easy Tips

With recent reports on the staggering amount of plastic waste floating in our oceans, rivers and lakes, it is high time we start doing something about this problem. Recycling is good, but for many reasons, it is not the answer to the global plastic pollution. We must all learn how to reduce the amount of plastic waste we are producing in the first place. Here are my five favorite ways to reduce your personal plastic footprint. 1. Bring Your Own Bag Billions of plastic shopping bags are used worldwide every year. Shops give them out for free to their customers, … Continue reading

Why We Need to Stop Using Fossil Fuels? Understanding the True Impact

Fossil fuels have a wide range of applications including generation of electricity, transport fuels, making products like plastics, cosmetics, and even certain medicines. But why scientists and environmentalist are fighting to end the use of fossil fuels and promoting solar and wind energy instead? The damage that fossil fuel cause to the environment is affecting the entire ecosystem. The impact is disastrous and haunting for the health of our planet. These damages are in some cases easy to see and evaluate such as pollution and land degradation. However, the damage can take various forms and be hidden and difficult to measure such … Continue reading

The Environmental Impact Of Web3

Assessing the environmental impact of a broad ecosystem is not simple. When trying to measure the carbon footprint of the internet, one has to consider all the layers that are part of this system. Web3, like the traditional web, has layers, so the only way to analyze its sustainability is by segments. The motivation for the evaluation of web3 is obvious: if web3 represents an evolution of web2, it must also be more sustainable. In this article we will first define what web3.0 is and what its layers are. Then we will assess what its environmental impact is and if … Continue reading

Paris Agreement: Role of Effective Climate Governance Framework

While many consider that history was made as industrialized and developing countries jointly agreed on the same climate policy framework for the first time ever; others alert that the Paris Agreement is only as good as its implementation plans and review mechanisms. Nevertheless, the Paris Agreement and the process around it demonstrate an exemplary model for global climate governance and climate policy advocacy. The question now is whether such international governance breakthrough could trickle down to the national and local levels across the globe. Countries and regions are challenged to move forward with the implementation leveraging the high momentum and … Continue reading

Sustainability Principles in Traditional Islamic Architecture

Islam came with many sustainability and environmental conservation principles, which appeared in all aspects of the Islamic society. This green vision of Islam is also reflected in the city planning and traditional architecture. Infact, Islamic cities were shaped by Islamic beliefs on environmental conservation and sustainability. The traditional house adopted in Islamic architecture respects the environment in more ways than one: first by minimizing the impact of harsh natural environment conditions such as hot climate, relative humidity and solar radiation intensity, second by maximizing the potential possibilities of these conditions to achieve the thermal comfort of inhabitants and utilizing the … Continue reading

How COVID-19 Has Prompted an Overhaul of Building Cleanliness

The impact of COVID-19 is being felt in nearly every industry and country around the world. With people experiencing new anxieties about being in public spaces for short or extended periods, businesses have had to adapt to ensure workers, customers, and clients are comfortable. Below is an assessment of how the pandemic resulted in businesses in all sectors hiring contract cleaning professionals and making other changes to the way they prioritized building cleanliness. Thorough Surface Cleaning The spread of COVID-19 can occur through surfaces, as the virus can survive on surfaces for an extended period. When the pandemic first emerged, … Continue reading

The Vallerani System for Agroforestry on Degraded Lands

Experience around the world has made it clear that soil pitting is often the most cost effective treatment to facilitate recovery of abandoned, barren land. Pits capture water and provide safe sites for seeds, collect litter, and help to protect and water seedlings. Pitting is relatively easy to do with hand labor and is less noticeable in a restoration project because the pattern can be varied easily, Hand pitting is best done as a communal activity so progress is clearly visible. But it is slow. mechanical pitters are critical to cover large areas. A wide variety of pitting plows have … Continue reading

Reviewer’s Blog: How to Become Popular on Social Networks?

To create a promising blog on the site, it is important to be interested in, and ideally love the topic you are writing about. This is the point of view of Ty Christensen, head of marketing at Clearlink, an expert in content creation and blogger. Read on to learn how to create a blog on a topic that was not close to you and / or of little interest, about the important tips and recommendations of this expert in the field of blogging. How to make the uninteresting interesting? There may not be universal solutions, but three examples that I … Continue reading

الذكاء الاصطناعي وإدارة الموارد المائية في الأردن: تعزيز التشاركية من أجل الاستدامة

تعد الأردن واحدة من أكثر الدول التي تعاني من شح المياه فى العالم، يعزى ذلك إلى موقعها الجغرافي وندرة الموارد الطبيعية والنمو السكاني, ومما زاد المشكلة سوءا موجات اللجوء والتغير المناخي, بالإضافة إلى معدلات الفاقد العالية حيث تهدر كميات كبيرة من المياه نتيجة التسريبات والتلوث .لذلك فإنه يتحتم مواجهة التحديات الكبيرة والمتزايدة التي تتعلق بتوفيرالمياه للسكان والقطاعات الحيوية المختلفة, بأساليب مختلفة منها ما يتعلق بتحسين إدارة الموارد المائية والتي يجب أن تعتمد على الاستراتيجيات المستدامة والتكنولوجيا الحديثة ومنها الذكاء الصناعي (AI). دور الذكاء الصناعي في إدارة المياه يعرف الذكاء الاصطناعي بأنه فرع من علوم الحاسوب والذي يهدف إلى تطوير أنظمة … Continue reading