The Promise of Olla Irrigation

Efficient traditional methods of irrigation that could be of great use on small and medium sized farms and gardens were not well studied or publicized until recently. The olla (buried clay pot or pitcher) method of irrigation is one of the most efficient systems known and is ideal for gardeners and small farmers and can be used in a patio container.[1] I first learned about it in a Chinese agricultural text from 2000 years ago. Olla irrigation uses a buried, unglazed clay pot filled with water to provide controlled irrigation to plants as the water seeps out through the clay … Continue reading

High Efficiency Irrigation Systems for Home Gardens, Shrubs and Trees

Climate change is bringing longer and more severe droughts and floods. Water supplies are limited in many areas and water costs are rising. Many families, communities and even countries are at risk. More efficient irrigation systems can make the most of limited water supplies. Over the last 40 years I have been testing and refining strategies for plant establishment in the Sonoran and Mojave deserts of North America with rainfall as low as 7.5 cm in a good year. Many of these systems can prove useful for home gardens, and growing shrubs and trees in arid lands. My quest began … Continue reading