Nabatea and The Neglected Global Energy Crises

Climate change is bringing new challenges to communities around the world. These include nearly three billion people worldwide who depend on solid fuels for household cooking and heating.[i] In Africa, the proportion of residents dependent on solid fuels is increasing and is almost 80%. In Southeast Asia, 61% of the population still utilize solid fuels. More than a third of the people in the Eastern Mediterranean also use solid fuel—primarily wood and charcoal. Social unrest and natural disasters can lead to years long power outages that force everyone back to the basics of fuel wood and charcoal.[ii] With permanent reconstruction … Continue reading

Ratam as Food and Fuel: An Overview

If you set out to design a shrub for the desert you wouldn’t be amiss in choosing ratam as a model. The desert environment has selected for plant characteristics that are ideally suited to meet the challenge of the driest lands. Water To make the most of rare rain events ratam can grow quickly when water is available. Shrubs can reach 3 meters in height and 6 m in spread. Roots can grow to considerable depth to reach soil moisture or groundwater. Roots have to grow fast to keep up with the drying front as the soil dries down after … Continue reading