Everything You Should Know About E-Waste Recycling Process

E-waste has been on a dramatic rise after the introduction of smartphones, tablets, headphones, virtual reality gear and other consumable electronic devices. With that in mind, e-waste recycling is now more important than ever before. What is e-waste recycling? E-waste is the process of recycling electronic products at or near the end of their “useful life.” These electronic products include computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines, smartphones, tables and many more common Android and Apple electronic products. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled. Moving forward, I believe that e-waste will also be needed for emerging … Continue reading

Recycling of E-Waste in GCC: Challenges and Opportunities

The growing amount of e-waste is gaining more and more attention on the global agenda. In 2017, e-waste production is expected to reach up to 48 million metric tons worldwide. The biggest contributors to this volume are highly developed nations, with the top three places of this inglorious ranking going to Norway, Switzerland and Iceland. In Norway, each inhabitant produces a massive 28.3 kg of e-waste every year. Not far behind the top ten of this ranking lie GCC member states, with both Kuwait and UAE producing each 17.2 kg e-waste per capita per year. Saudi Arabia with its many … Continue reading