5 Benefits of Lowering Your Home Temperature For Energy Savings

Everybody loves coming home to a comfortable temperature. Your personal definition of the perfect “room temperature” depends more than anything else on your personal preferences. Be aware, though, that that comfort can cost. Heating and cooling typically account for a full half of your home’s energy costs – they consume more electricity than lighting, appliances, and electronics all put together. This is why monitoring your temperature is important according to Temperaturesensei Wouldn’t you like to cut that expense without compromising on comfort? It’s easier than you think! Surveys show that over half of us use inefficient thermostat settings that waste … Continue reading

How To Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly For The Winter

It is very important to remember that the planet needs to be saved and it is the responsibly of the people that live on it to do so. Everyone plays a part in global warming and if you make a few changes in your home then you’ll find that you’ll be able to reduce your overall carbon footprint. As the winter approaches, you should make sure that your home is ready but that it is also eco-friendly. In this article, we are going to discuss how you can do this. Make sure to keep reading if you’d like to find … Continue reading

Waste-to-Energy Outlook for Jordan

A “waste crisis” is looming in Jordan with more than 2 million tons of municipal waste and 18,000 tons of industrial wastes being generated each year at an annual growth rate of 3 percent. Alarmingly, less than 5 per cent of solid waste is currently recycled in Jordan. These statistics call for a national master plan in order to reduce, manage and control waste management in the country. The main points to be considered are decentralized waste management, recycling strategy and use of modern waste management technologies. Currently there is no specific legal framework or national strategy for solid waste … Continue reading

7 Ways Of Reducing Heating And Cooling Costs At Your Home

Did you know that your AC can increase your home’s energy consumption by nearly 50%? And are you aware that you can lessen the impact of the air conditioner by doing some major or minor changes in and around the home? You can achieve reduce heating and cooling expenses at your home by following these seven steps: 1. Invest in a Programmable Thermostat When it comes to saving money when trying to heat and cool your home, you will benefit more from investing in a programmable thermostat. It is not uncommon to forget turning off the system or set the … Continue reading