How Environment, Stress, and Loneliness Intersect

The factors that play a part in the status of our wellbeing are more vast and complex than many of us realize. So often, when we think about what it means to take care of our health or to be healthy, we think of behaviors like physical activity. While it’s true that these factors matter, and while movement and other standard health practices can promote mental health as well as physical health, they don’t always tell the full story or do the whole job when it comes to taking care of ourselves. How might the environment, stress, and loneliness impact … Continue reading

How Does The Environment Impact Memory and How to Protect Your Memory?

Many of us know that the environment we are in can affect our health. Factors like access to clean drinking water, air quality, and whether or not we live in a food desert or a safe place to spend time outdoors influence our well-being in many capacities that relate to both the body and the mind. According to, 12 million people who either inhabit or attend work in an unhealthy environment die due to this fact on an annual basis. Poor heart health, breathing problems, and mental health symptoms affiliated with certain conditions are higher risks for those living … Continue reading

Tips for Re-entering and Maintaining a Safe Workplace Post Covid-19

The pandemic disrupted the global workforce and accelerated the adoption of new ways of working. And as mass vaccinations roll out, business leaders are pivoting from the response to recovery phases and are now focusing on how to reopen offices effectively, efficiently, and most importantly, safely. Leaders are now faced with the challenge of designing the future of work. But with an abundance of “unknown unknowns,” re-entering the workplace is not as simple as opening the offices and re-installing the 9 to 5 workday. Everything from local and federal health ordinances and fears of a repopulated workplace to individual employee … Continue reading

Top 15 High School Study Tips

The last thing you want to do when you get home is study. With the world waiting for you to log on and get the latest scoop and trend, it’s hard to take a break from the screen and focus on your homework. Experts caution that if you get in the habit of giving your screen most of your attention, you’ll most likely cram when it comes time for the exam. That’s never good, and you wind up getting behind. What if we told you that you have time to stay in the loop while getting your studying and homework … Continue reading